Arthrobacter phage MrSmee
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Detailed Information for Phage MrSmee
Discovery Information
Isolation HostArthrobacter globiformis B-2979
Former namesNooNoo
Found ByAbigail Antonishek
Year Found2023
Location FoundSchiedam, Netherlands
Finding InstitutionPurdue University
From enriched soil sample?No
Isolation Temperature40°C
GPS Coordinates51.930294 N, 4.362358 E Map
Discovery NotesCollection Date: 8/25/2023
Collection Time: 11pm
Soil: Soil was damp (as it had rained earlier that day), full of organic material, rich in color (dark brown almost black), and made up of small particles. The sample was collected from a large flowerpot outside a hotel.
Depth: 1 inch

The sample was kept in a sealed ziploc bag for 4 days before direct isolation.
Naming NotesMrSmee traveled the globe alongside Captain Hook. This bacteriophage was collected overseas and is no stranger to traveling.
Sequencing Information
Sequencing Complete?Yes
Date Sequencing CompletedJan 5, 2024
Sequencing FacilityPittsburgh Bacteriophage Institute
Shotgun Sequencing MethodIllumina Sequencing
Approximate Shotgun Coverage1253
Genome length (bp)41092
Character of genome ends3' Sticky Overhang
Overhang Length12 bases
Overhang SequenceCCCTCCGGCTCT
GC Content60.6%
Sequencing NotesThe DNA sample that was sequenced for this phage was contaminated with a small amount (~10%) of a novel Cluster FH phage. Also, it appears the overhang is 12 bases although the evidence for the right end of the genome wasn't super strong. It could be a different length potentially, but with the data we have now it looks like 12 bases.
Fasta file available?Yes: Download fasta file
Annotating InstitutionPurdue University
Annotation StatusBeing Annotated (Expected completion by 7/15/2024)
Plaque Notesaverage plaque diameter of 0.2cm.
Well-defined borders. Clear plaques. Perfectly circular plaques. Diameter of plaques is relatively consistent.
Has been Phamerated?Yes
Gene List
Publication Info
Uploaded to GenBank?No
GenBank AccessionNone yet
Refseq NumberNone yet
Archiving Info
Archiving status Archived
Pitt Freezer Box# 187
Pitt Freezer Box Grid# F10
Available Files
Plaque PictureDownload