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New Hosts, New Databases
Dan Russell
Sep 16, 2013
For those of you in the SEA-PHAGES program out there, I hope the school year is off to a fantastic start, and new phages are being isolated all over the place. We're excited to see what you're finding!

More so this year because we have a variety of hosts out there to complement our old standby, M. smegmatis mc2 155. There's a new group of about 15 SEA-PHAGES schools using an Arthrobacter host to add to the group of schools already using Bacillus hosts. Many other schools are also experimenting with new hosts.

Since PhagesDB is the Mycobacteriophage database, we need some new places to house and share the information you're gathering. That's why we've created a few similar websites to add to the PhagesDB phamily. Links below.

Arthrobacter Phage Database
Bacillus Phage Database
Streptomyces Phage Database

Your PhagesDB login should work on any of these sites, and though they're in various stages of development, they're up and running. I hope you like them!