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Arthrobacter phage Marbo
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Detailed Information for Phage Marbo
Discovery Information
Isolation HostArthrobacter globiformis B-2979
Found ByMuhammed Sayeed
Year Found2022
Location FoundNaperville, IL United States
Finding InstitutionBenedictine University
ProgramScience Education Alliance-Phage Hunters Advancing Genomics and Evolutionary Science
From enriched soil sample?No
Isolation Temperature22°C
GPS Coordinates41.739 N, 88.0765 W Map
Discovery NotesThe soil I collected is a bit moist because there was a thunderstorm last night. I collected it around 10:45 AM with clear weather and skies. I used a couple metal teaspoons to dig into the soil and gather a proper sample. My sample consists of some wood chips and leaves. The soil is brown, slightly muddy, and resided under a tree. The area around the soil is forest preserve and is typically busy. Different types of animal may have interacted with the soil on a daily basis. I collected approximately 2 pounds of soil.
Naming NotesThe phage’s name is Marbo. This name comes from my late cat that I had from Kindergarten all the way to high school. The cat was named Marble. Marble was an outside cat that loved to explore the forest preserves, unfortunately one day he never came back home. After months of searching it was clear that Marble had passed away somewhere in the forest preserve. The soil I gathered was from this exact forest preserve, this reminded me of my cat. On top of it the phages characteristics reminded me of little marbles scattered throughout the plate. These lead me to choose the name Marbo. This was his nickname and it was used more than Marble.
Sequencing Information
Sequencing Complete?No
Genome length (bp)Unknown
Character of genome endsUnknown
Fasta file available?No
Annotating InstitutionUnknown or unassigned
Annotation StatusNot sequenced
Plaque NotesThe results showed that there were two phages and I selected the tinier phage with a diameter of around 0.4mm and a radius of 0.2mm This phage is named Marbo. Phage Marbo is a clear, lytic phage. It is circular with no edges. The borders of the phage are not bold or shape, rather fuzzy as it just fades right into the bacteria. The phage is large in number and can be observed as a bunch of tiny dots covering the plate. The phage is a Siphoviridae as it has non-enveloped head and noncontractile tail.
Has been Phamerated?No
Publication Info
Uploaded to GenBank?No
GenBank AccessionNone yet
Refseq NumberNone yet
Archiving Info
Archiving status Not in Pitt Archives
Available Files
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