Recently Added Phages

Barbiana Spiderbri Smelly Mendez Gogu

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KayGee MA5 Phisb Honk SJay

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Shayna (EB) Halsey (None) Statler (EG) SunnyD (EB) Olliecat (EB)
Archive Protocols

Description/Goal: If you submit information about a phage to, please submit a sample of the lysate to our archive inventory. Archiving includes sending a sample for our inventory AND making sure the info at PhagesDB is complete and accurate. If you are a member of the SEA-PHAGES program, the protocol for those sample preps are found here. If you are not a member of SEA-PHAGES, please consider submitting a sample and keeping your phage data up-to-date. contact Emily Ginser ( for additional information. A video is linked in the protocol for quick viewing!
Also check out Archiving FAQs.

Protocol last modified 10-5-23. Shipping address is found in this protocol. Please check.

Last Updated: October 10, 2023

As Word Doc: SEA_Archiving_Protocol_10-5-23.docx