CDS complement (669 - 881) /note=Selected start has coding potential, is supported by genemark, it has third SD score and z-value. Hypothetical protein, phages db calls unknown, hhpred does not have significant hits, NCBI blast calls hypothetical, no membrane protein. CDS complement (878 - 1201) /note=Coding potential covers the selected start, glimmer & genemark support 1201. 1201 also has the best SD score and z-value, it doesn`t have smallest gap, but it is supported by genemark, glimmer, and dnamaster. Hypothetical protein, phages db calls unknown, hhpred does not have significant hits, NCBI blast calls hypothetical, no membrane protein. CDS complement (1222 - 1383) /note=Selected start is covered by coding potential, but the coding potential goes further right overlapping the next gene. SD score is -5.184 and z-value is 1.412, the best SD is -2.109. Selected start is supported by glimmer and genemark. Hypothetical protein, phages db calls unknown, hhpred has hits for a DNA polymerase, NCBI calls hypothetical, no membrane. CDS complement (1380 - 1565) /note=Selected start is supported by glimmer & genemark, it has coding potential, SD score is -4.047 and z-value is 1.960, it has the shortest gap. Hypothetical protein, phages db calls unknown, hhpred does not have significant hits, NCBI calls hypothetical protein, no membrane protein. CDS complement (1562 - 1786) /note=Selected start is supported by glimmer & genemark, it has coding potential, SD score is -2.071 and z-value 2.914 - lowest and highest, respectively. Hypothetical protein, phages db calls unknown, hhpred does not have significant hits, NCBI blast calls hypothetical, no membrane protein. CDS complement (1783 - 1944) /note=Selected start is supported by glimmer and genemark, it has coding potential, SD score and z-value are -1.907 and 2.993 (best one), it is both longest ORF and shortest gap. Hypothetical protein, phages db calls unknown, hhpred no significant hits, NCBI blast calls hypothetical, no membrane. CDS complement (2093 - 2251) /note=Selected start has coding potential, it is supported by glimmer and genemark, although the gap is big, and it has the highest and lowest SD score and z-value, respectively. Hypothetical protein, phages db calls unknown, hhpred does not have significant hits, NCBI blast calls hypothetical, no membran protein. CDS complement (2469 - 3176) /note=Selected start is longest ORF, it is supported by glimmer & genemark, it has the shortest gap, the SD score is -2.955 and z-value is 2.487, lowest and highest, it has all coding potential. Phages db calls unknown, hhpred does not have significant hits, but it shows a nicotamine transporter. NCBI blast calls membrane protein, but there are also a few hits with PnuC-like Nicotinamide riboside transporter. In DeepTMHMM the probabilities show that it crosses the membrane but it also signals inside and outside, so it may be the PnuC-like transporter, and when compared to the example in the official naming guide, it is similar. CDS complement (3173 - 3415) /note=Selected start has coding potential, SD score is lowest and Z-value is highest, glimmer & genemark support argument, longest ORF. NCBI blast calls membrane protein, ran the DeepTMHMM, it is a membrane protein since it showed it crosses twice. CDS complement (3412 - 3600) /note=Selected start is supported by glimmer & genemark, it has lowest SD score and highest Z-value, it is the longest ORF, although the coding potential does not follow the whole gene there is coding potential. /note=No hhpred, phages db calls unknown, NCBI blast calls hypothetical, no membrane protein. CDS complement (3597 - 4112) /note=There is coding potential, glimmer and genemark support start 4112, it has shortest gap, second longest ORF and is ATG, SD score is -4.069 (lowest is -2.646) z-value is 1.950. /note=NCBI blast and phages db calls dpra-like dna processing chain a or DprA-like ssDNA binding protein, there are significant values for both, I`m not sure what is the difference between them. hhpred has significant hits for a unknown structural protein and for a DNA processing chain. CDS complement (4109 - 4351) /note=Selected start has coding potential, supported by glimmer and genemark, lowest SD score and highest Z-value, longest ORF and shortest gap. /note=Phages db calls unknown, NCBI blast calls hypothetical protein, no membrane protein. CDS complement (4348 - 4704) /note=Selected start has coding potential and lowest gap, as well as it is the longest ORF. Z-value 1.759, SD score -4.463, it is not the highest score. Helix-turn-helix dna binding domain. CDS complement (4697 - 4912) /note=Selected start has coding potential, it is supported by genemark, it has 29 manual annotations, SD score and z-value are -6.738 and 0.836 (best one is -1.395). Helix-turn-helix DNA binding domain, phages db calls helix-turn-helix, hhpred has hits for helix-turn-helix as well as binding domains, NCBI calls helix turn helix, conserved domain has a hit for helix-turn-helix domain. CDS 4974 - 5129 /note=Selected start is supported by glimmer and genemark, it has coding potential, it has 30 manual annotations, it is the longest ORF, SD score and z-value are -3.967 and 1.999 (best one is -3.342). Ribbon-helix-helix DNA binding domain, phages db calls ribbon, hhpred has hits for ribbon-helix-helix domains, NCBI calls ribbon. CDS 5126 - 5884 /note=Selected start has all coding potential, it is supported by glimmer & genemark, the SD score is -2.757 and z-value is 2.583, it is second best score, and shortest gap. Helix-turn-helix DNA binding domain, phages db calls HTH Dna binding domain, as well as NCBI blast, hhpred does not have significant hits. CDS 5886 - 6044 /note=Selected start has 19 manual annotations, there is coding potential although it is more like a spike in the middle of the gene, SD score and z-value are -2.071 and 2.914 (best one). Hypothetical protein, phages db calls unknown, hhpred does not have significant hits, NCBI calls hypothetical, no membrane protein. CDS 6041 - 6220 /note=Selected start is supported by glimmer, it has all coding potential, a better SD score and z-value than the start genemark suggest, and it is the longest ORF. Hypothetical protein, phages db calls unknown, hhpred does not have significant hits, NCBI blast calls hypothetical, conserved domain does not have significant hits. CDS 6220 - 6594 /note=Selected start has all coding potential, it is supported by glimmer & genemark, has the shortest gap, has the best SD score and z-value (-3.662 & 2.146). Ribbon-helix-helix DNA binding domain, phages db has more calls with ribbon-helix-helix, hhpred does not have significant hits, NCBI blast calls ribbon-helix-helix. CDS 6569 - 8080 /note=Coding potential starts around where the selected start is, it is supported by glimmer and genemark, SD score is -3.282 (best SD score is -1.907), z-value is 2.329. Terminase large subunit, phages db calls terminase, hhpred has hits for terminase large subunit in phages, NCBI blast calls large subunit. CDS 8077 - 8421 /note=Selected start has all coding potential, it is supported by glimmer and genemark, it has the best SD score and z-value (-2.302 & 2.802), and it has smallest gap. Membrane protein, phages db calls unknown, hhpred doesn`t have significant hits, NCBI blast calls hypothetical but also membrane protein, DeepTMHMM predicts membrane protein. CDS 8569 - 8949 /note=Selected start has all coding potential, it is supported by glimmer, the SD score and z-value are -2.647 and 2.636 (the best SD score is -2.071). Hypothetical protein, phages db calls unknown, hhpred no significant hits, NCBI blast calls hypothetical, no membrane protein. CDS 14152 - 14334 /note=Selected start is supported by genemark, it has coding potential, it has the shortest gap, SD score and z-value are -2.791 and 2.566 (best SD is -2.482). Hypothetical protein, phages db calls unknown, hhpred has no significant values, NCBI blast calls hypothetical, no membrane. CDS 14472 - 16304 /note=Selected start has coding potential, it is supported by genemark and glimmer, has the best SD score and z-value (-1.748 and 3.069). Major capsid hexamer protein, phages db calls major capsid hexamer protein, as well as NCBI blast, hhpred no significant values. CDS 16369 - 17103 /note=Selected start has coding potential, it is supported by glimmer and genemark, it has best SD score and z-value (-2.976 and 2.477). Hypothetical protein, phages db calls unknown, hhpred has no significant hits, NCBI blast calls hypothetical, no membrane protein. CDS 17113 - 17616 /note=Selected start has coding potential, glimmer and genemark support selected start, SD score and z-value are -1.236 and 3.316, shortest gap. Phages db calls unknown, hhpred no significant hits, NCBI blast calls hypothetical, no membrane protein. CDS 17647 - 18594 /note=Selected start has coding potential, its supported by glimmer & genemark, it has the best SD score and z-value (-3.142 & 2.397), longest ORF. Major tail protein, phages db calls major tail protein, hhpred no significant hits, NCBI blast calls major tail protein. CDS 18718 - 19599 /note=Selected start is supported by glimmer and genemark, it has coding potential, it is the longest ORF, the SD score and z-value are the best (-2.071 and 2.914). Hypothetical protein, phages db calls unknown, hhpred no significant hits, NCBI blast calls hypothetical protein but also virion structural protein, although there is no name for a protein like that in the official functions list, so I think it`s hypothetical. CDS 19602 - 21140 /note=Selected start is supported by glimmer, it has all the coding potential, it has the shortest gap, SD score and z-value are -4.141 & 1.915 (best is -2.654 & 2.632), but the score is better than the one from the suggested genemark call. Phosphoesterase, phages db calls phosphoesterase, hhpred no significant hits but calls "Glycerophosphodiester phosphodiesterase", NCBI blast calls phosphoesterase, conserved domain no significant hits but mentions Glycerophosphodiester phosphodiesterase. CDS 21172 - 22020 /note=Selected start has all coding potential, it is supported by glimmer and genemark, SD score and z-value are -1.582 and 3.150 (the best score), shortest gap. Head-to-tail adaptor, phages db calls head-to-tail adaptor, hhpred calls a neck completion protein, NCBI blast calls head-to-tail adaptor. CDS 22020 - 22550 /note=Selected start is supported by glimmer and genemark, has all coding potential, SD score and z-value are -2.572 and 2.672 (best score) and it has the shortest gap. Hypothetical protein, phages db calls unknown, hhpred no significant hits, NCBI calls hypothetical, no membrane protein. CDS 22552 - 22956 /note=Selected start has all coding potential, it is supported by glimmer and genemark, SD score and z-value are -3.288 and 2.326 (best SD is -2.187), it has shortest gap. Phages db calls unknown, hhpred has one hit to minor capsid protein, NCBI blast calls hypothetical, conserved domain has no significant hits. CDS 22993 - 23451 /note=Selected start is supported by glimmer, it has coding potential, the SD score and z-value are -2.377 and 2.766 (the best), it is a GTG. Tail assembly chaperon, phages db calls tail assembly chaperon, hhpred does not have significant hits but it calls one with tail assembly chaperon, NCBI blast calls tail assembly chaperon. CDS join(22993..23346,23346..23645) /note=Programmed translational frameshift, start is the same as the 1st tail assembly chaperon. CDS 23654 - 26830 /note=Selected start is the longest ORF, it is supported by glimmer and genemark, it has all coding potential, SD score and z-value are -3/631 and 2.161 (best score is -1.907). Tape measure protein, phages db calls tape measure, hhpred no significant hits, NCBI blast calls tape measure, conserved domain no significant hits. CDS 26839 - 28179 /note=Selected start is supported by glimmer and genemark, it has all coding potential, it has the shortest gap, the SD score and z-value are -3.361 and 2.161 (the best score is -1.410). Minor tail protein, phages db calls minor tail, hhpred no significant hits, NCBI calls minor tail protein. CDS 28199 - 31123 /note=Selected start has all coding potential, it is supported by glimmer and genemark, it has the shortest gap and it is the longest ORF, SD score and z-value are -2.611 and 2.653 (best score). Minor tail protein, phages db calls minor tail protein, hhpred no significant hits, NCBI blast calls minor tail protein, no conserved domain. CDS 31123 - 32274 /note=Selected start is supported by glimmer & genemark, it has coding potential, it has the shortest gap, SD score and z-value are -2.699 and 2.611 (the best one is -1.748). Minor tail protein, phages db calls minor tail protein, hhpred has hits for tail protein and structural genomic proteins, NCBI calls minor tail protein. CDS 32274 - 33035 /note=Selected start is supported by glimmer and genemark, it has all coding potential, the SD score and z-value are -2.976 and 2.477 (the best one). Hypothetical protein, phages db calls unknown, hhpred has no significant hits, NCBI blast calls unknown, no membrane. CDS 33047 - 33313 /note=The selected start is supported by glimmer and genemark, it has coding potential, the SD score and z-value are -1.582 and 3.150. Hypothetical protein, phages db calls unknown, hhpred has no significant hits, NCBI blast calls hypothetical. CDS 33386 - 33850 /note=Selected start is supported by glimmer and genemark, it has coding potential, SD score and z-value are -1.559 and 3.161 (the best one). Membrane protein, phages db calls unknown, hhpred has no significant hits, NCBI calls membrane protein, deepTMHMM shows that it goes across membrane, but it also shows a signal, not sure how that affects the call. CDS 33840 - 34037 /note=Selected start is supported by glimmer and genemark, it has coding potential, it is the longest ORF, SD score and z-value are -1.907 and 2.993 (the best one). Hypothetical protein, phages db calls unknown, hhpred does not have significant hits, NCBI calls hypothetical, no membrane protein. CDS 34042 - 34779 /note=Selected start is supported by genemark, it has coding potential, it is both the shortest gap and longest ORF, SD score and z-value are -5.082 and 1.461 (the best is -1.748). Membrane protein, phages db calls unknown, hhpred detects transmembrane segments but no significant hit, NCBI blast calls membrane, deepTMHMM shows membrane protein. CDS 34849 - 35670 /note=Selected start is supported by glimmer and genemark, it has coding potential, it is both shortest gap and longest ORF, SD score and z-value are -3.288 and 2.326 (the best is -1.748). Endolysin, phages db calls endolysin, hhpred has a hit to something related to cell wall (but not significant hit), NCBI blast calls endolysin, no deepTMHMM. CDS complement (35746 - 36255) /note=Selected start is not supported by glimmer nor genemark, it has all coding potential, it has the smallest gap, SD score and z-value are -2.701 and 2.914 (the best one). Hypothetical protein, phages db calls unknown, hhpred no significant hits, NCBI blast calls hypothetical, no membrane protein. CDS complement (36224 - 36526) /note=Selected start is supported by glimmer and genemark, it has coding potential, SD score and z-value are -5.129 and 1.438 (the best is -2.611). Hypothetical protein, phages db calls unknown, hhpred no significant hits, NCBI blast calls hypothetical, no membrane. CDS complement (36523 - 37059) /note=Selected start has coding potential, it is supported by glimmer and genemark, SD score and z-value are -4.291 and 1.843 (the best score is -2.699). DnaJ-like chaperonin, phages db calls DnaJ-like chaperonin, hhpred has a few hits but coverage is not significant, NCBI blast calls DnaJ-like chaperonin although identity in most of them is around ~79%. CDS complement (37157 - 37345) /note=Selected start has all coding potential, it is supported by glimmer and genemark, SD score and z-value are -1.582 and 3.150 (best one), it doesn`t have the smallest gap, but I think evidence support this one better. Hypothetical protein, phages db calls hypothetical, hhpred does not have significant hits, NCBI blast calls hypothetical protein, no membrane protein. CDS complement (37338 - 37547) /note=Selected start is supported by glimmer and genemark, it has coding potential, it has 5 manual annotations, SD score & z-value are -1.748 and 3.069 (the best ones). It does not match to any of the similar phages in pham maps, phages db calls unknown, hhpred doesn`t have significant values, NCBI blast calls hypothetical protein but it only has three matches. CDS complement (37568 - 39658) /note=Selected start is supported by glimmer and genemark, it has all coding potential, it has 26 manual annotations, SD score and z-value -2.377 and 2.766 (the best one is -1.761). Cas4 family exonuclease, phages db calls cas4 family, hhpred has hits for Cas4 protein but low coverage, NCBI blast calls cas4 family. CDS complement (39664 - 40677) /note=Selected start is supported by glimmer and genemark, it has all coding potential, it has the smallest gap, SD score and z-value are -1.951 and 2.972 (best one), it has 26 manual annotations. Phages db calls dna recombinase, hhpred has hits for dna recombinase with low coverage, NCBI blast calls dna recombinase. Calling it hypothetical protein, it does not match what the presentation from the official list says, but hhpred has hits for something with rad52, same as conserved domain. CDS complement (40674 - 41207) /note=Selected start is supported by glimmer and genemark, it has coding potential, it has the smallest gap and longest ORF, SD score and z-value are -2.302 and 2.802 (best one), it has 37 manual annotations. HNH endonuclease, phages db calls HNH, hhpred has hits against HNH and a zinc binding loop, NCBI blast calls HNH, and I think it covers the requirements from the official functions list. CDS complement (41204 - 41776) /note=Selected start is supported by glimmer and genemark, it has coding potential, it has 31 manual annotations, the SD score and z-value are -2.273 and 2.816. RuvC-like resolvase, phages db calls ruvc, hhpred has hits against ruvc, NCBI calls ruvc, conserved domain has a hit against Holliday junction resolvase. CDS complement (41773 - 41958) /note=Selected gene is supported by glimmer and genemark, it has coding potential, it has 7 manual annotations, SD score and z-value are -6.377 and 0.836 (best one is -3.854). Hypothetical protein, phages db calls unknown, hhpred does not have significant hits, NCBI calls hypothetical, no membrane. CDS complement (41955 - 42227) /note=Daniel: consider "cyclic oligonucleotide sequestration protein" as function. I`ll explain. /note=Selected start has coding potential, it is supported by glimmer and genemark, it has 32 manual annotations, SD score and z-value are -2.654 and 2.632 (best one). CDS complement (42227 - 42622) /note=Selected start has coding potential, it is supported by genemark, it has 7 manual annotations, SD score and z-value are -2.616 and 2.650 (best one is -2.017). MazG-like nucleotide pyrophosphohydrolase, phages db calls mazG, hhpred has significant hits against mazG-like proteins, NCBI blast calls mazG, conserved domain has hits against mazG-like domains. CDS complement (42778 - 43488) /note=Selected start is supported by glimmer and genemark, it has coding potential, it is the longest ORF, SD score and z-value are -4.189 and 1.892 (best one is -2.482). SSB protein, phages db calls ssDNA binding protein, hhpred has hits to ssDNA, NCBI calls ssDNA, conserved domain has hits to ssDNA and SSB protein. Will call it SSB protein, since in the official list it ask to call it like that instead of ssDNA binding protein. CDS complement (43488 - 43622) /note=Selected start is supported by glimmer and genemark, it has coding potential, it has 12 manual annotations, SD score is -1.748 and 3.069 (best one). Hypothethical protein, phages db calls unknown, hhpred does not have significant hits, NCBI blast calls hypothetical, no membrane. CDS complement (43624 - 43821) /note=Selected start has coding potential, it is supported by glimmer and genemark, it has 33 manual annotations, SD score and z-value are -3.766 and 2.096 (best one is -2.976). Hypothetical protein, phages db calls unknow, hhpred does not have significant hits, NCBI blast calls hypothetical, no membrane. CDS complement (43818 - 44054) /note=Selected start is supported by glimmer and genemark, it has coding potential, it has 25 manual annotations, SD score and z-value are -1.259 and 3.305 (best one). Hypothetical protein, phages db calls unknown, hhpred has no significant hits, NCBI blast calls hypothetical, no membrane. CDS complement (44126 - 44236) /note=The selected start is supported by glimmer, the coding potential does not go all the way through the gene, is more like a spike; it has 26 manual annotations, SD score and z-value are -2.403 and 2.753 (best one). Hypothetical protein, phages db calls unknown, hhpred has no significant hits, NCBI blast calls unknown, no membrane. CDS complement (44233 - 44487) /note=Selected start is supported by glimmer and genemark, it has coding potential, it has 14 manual annotations, SD score and z-value are -4.909 and 1.544(best one is -3.225). Hypothetical protein, phages db calls unknown, hhpred does not have significant hits, NCBI calls hypothetical, no membrane. CDS complement (44484 - 44762) /note=Selected start has coding potential, it is supported by glimmer and genemark, it has 3 manual annotations, SD score and z-value are -3.072 and 2.431 (best one). hypothetical protein, phages db calls unknown, hhpred does not have significant hits, NCBI calls hypothetical, no membrane. CDS complement (44759 - 44851) /note=Selected start is supported by genemark, it has coding potential, it has 14 manual annotations, SD score and z-value are -2.934 and 2.497 (best one). Membrane protein, possibly holin. CDS complement (44851 - 45135) /note=Selected start is supported by glimmer and genemark, it has coding potential, it has 27 manual annotations, it is the longest ORF, SD score and z-value are -3.453 and 2.247 (best one is -1.582). Hypothetical protein, phages db calls unknown, hhpred does not have significant hits, NCBI blast calls hypothetical, no membrane. CDS complement (45132 - 45581) /note=Selected start is supported by genemark, it has coding potential although it goes down for the middle part of the gene, it has 2 manual annotations, SD score and z-value are -2.258 and 2.823 (best one). Hypothetical protein, phages db calls unknown, hhpred does not have significant hits, NCBI calls hypothetical, no membrane. CDS complement (45578 - 45691) /note=Selected start is supported by genemark, it has coding potential, it has 4 manual annotations, it has the shortest gap, SD score and z-value are -2.071 and 2.914 (best one). membrane protein, phages db calls unknown, hhpred has no significant hits, NCBI calls hypothetical, deeptmhmm predicts it crosses the membrane once. CDS complement (45688 - 45795) /note=Selected start is supported by genemark, it has coding potential, it has 8 manual annotations, it is longest ORF and has shortest gap, SD score and z-value are -4.857 and 1.570 (best one). Hypothetical protein, phages db calls unknown, hhpred does not have significant hits, NCBI blast calls hypothetical, no membrane protein. CDS complement (45792 - 46016) /note=Selected start is supported by genemark, it has coding potential, it has 8 manual annotations, SD score and z-value are -1.748 and 3.069 (best one is -1.395), I think the gap is to big to ignore but that is the best start. Helix-turn-helix dna binding domain, phages db calls HTH, hhpred has hits for uptake regulation proteins I`m not sure if that changes the decision, NCBI calls HTH. CDS complement (46539 - 48407) /note=Selected start is supported by glimmer and genemark, it has coding potential, start has 37 manual annotations, SD score and z-value -5.414 and 1.301 (best one is -2.377). DNA primase/helicase, phages db calls primase/helicase, hhpred has hits for primase/helicase, NCBI blast calls primase/helicase, conserved domain has hits for primase domains as well as helicase, and repair proteins. CDS complement (48586 - 50079) /note=Selected start is supported by glimmer and genemark, it has coding potential, it has 12 manual annotations, SD score and z-value are -1.951 and 2.972, although the gap is big I think the evidence supports this start better. Hypothetical protein, phages db calls unknown, hhpred does not have significant hits, NCBI blast calls hypothetical, there are a few membrane proteins but no deeptmhmm. CDS complement (50213 - 50491) /note=Selected start is supported by glimmer and genemark, it has coding potential, it is the longest ORF, it has 24 manual annotations, SD score and z-value are -1.748 and 3.069 (best one). Ribbon-helix-helix dna binding domain protein, phages db calls between unknown and ribbon-helix-helix, hhpred has hits for ribbon, NCBI calls ribbon. CDS complement (50488 - 50760) /note=Selected start is supported by glimmer, it has coding potential, it is the longest ORF with a small gap and spacer, SD score and z-value are -4.817 and 1.589 (best one is -3.662), it has 16 manual annotations. Hypothetical protein, phages db calls unknown, hhpred does not have significant hits, NCBI calls hypothetical, no membrane. CDS complement (50744 - 50923) /note=Selected start has coding potential, it is supported by glimmer and genemark, it is the longest ORF, it has 19 manual annotations, SD score and z-value are -2.414 and 2.748 (best one). Membrane protein, phages db calls unknown, hhpred does not have significant hits, NCBI calls membrane, deeptmhmm shows that it has probabilities to cross membrane two times. CDS complement (50907 - 51248) /note=Selected start is supported by glimmer and genemark, it has coding potential, it has the shortest gap, it has 37 manual annotations, SD score and z-value are -2.976 and 2.477 (best ones). Hypothetical protein, phages db calls unknown, hhpred has no significant hits, NCBI calls hypothetical, no membrane protein. CDS complement (51241 - 51552) /note=Selected start has coding potential, it is supported by glimmer and genemark, it has 25 manual annotations, it has the shortest gap, SD score and z-value are -2.976 and 2.477 (best one is -2.071). Hypothetical protein, phages db calls unknown, hhpred has no significant hits, NCBI blast calls hypothetical, no membrane protein. CDS complement (51796 - 52104) /note=Selected start is supported by glimmer, it has coding potential, it has both the longest ORF and shortest gap, no manual annotations for any start, SD score and z-value are -5.112 and 1.446 (best is -3.143), within the pham all genes are around 270~ bp. Hypothetical protein, phages db has calls between mazg-like nucleotide or unknown, hhpred does not have significant hits, NCBI calls between hypothetical and mazg, but I think it should be hypothetical since hhpred does not have significant hits. CDS complement (52101 - 52373) /note=Selected start is supported by glimmer and GeneMark, it has some sort of coding potential it does not stay up all the way but at the start there is and then it goes down, not enough information from starterator to make the call, SD score and z-value are -2.654 and 2.632 (best one). I`m not sure if its a gene due to the fact that not a lot of EG phages have it and there is only one match in NCBI blast, but if it is, it is hypothetical protein. CDS complement (52373 - 52702) /note=Selected start is supported by glimmer and genemark, it has coding potential, it has 38 manual annotations, SD score and z-value are -1.748 and 3.069 (best one), it has smallest gap and longest ORF. Hypothetical protein, phages db calls unknown, hhpred does not have significant hits, NCBI calls hypothetical, no membrane protein. CDS complement (52727 - 52981) /note=Selected start is supported by glimmer and genemark, it has coding potential, it has the shortest gap and longest ORF, it has 24 manual annotations, SD score and z-value are -3.867 and 2.047 (best one). Hypothetical protein, phages db calls unknown, hhpred does not have significant hits, NCBI calls hypothetical no membrane protein. CDS complement (52978 - 53484) /note=Selected start is supported by glimmer and genemark, it has coding potential, it has 13 manual annotations, SD score and z-value are -1.748 and 3.069 (best one). Hypothetical protein, phages db calls unknown, hhpred has no significant hits, NCBI calls hypothetical, no membrane protein. CDS complement (53487 - 54020) /note=Selected start has coding potential, it is supported by glimmer and genemark, it has 20 manual annotations, SD score and z-value are -3.638 and 2.158 (best one is -1.907). Hypothetical protein, phages db calls unknown, hhpred has no significant hits, NCBI calls hypothetical, no membrane protein. CDS complement (54017 - 54205) /note=Selected start is supported by glimmer and genemark, it has coding potential, it has 13 manual annotations, it has the shortest gap, SD score and z-value are -3.698 and 2.128 (best one is -2.976). Hypothetical protein, phages db calls unknown, hhpred has no significant hits, NCBI calls hypothetical, no membrane protein. CDS complement (54202 - 54525) /note=Selected start is supported by glimmer, it has coding potential, it has the shortest gap, it has 20 manual annotations, SD score and z-value are -2.909 and 2.509 (best one is -1.748). Hypothetical protein, phages db calls unknown, hhpred has no significant hits, NCBI calls hypothetical, no membrane protein CDS complement (54522 - 54842) /note=Selected start is supported by glimmer and genemark, it has coding potential and it has the shortest and longest gap & ORF, it has 23 manual annotations, SD score and z-value are -1.559 and 3.161 (best one). Hypothetical protein, phages db calls unknown, hhpred has no significant hits, NCBI calls hypothetical, no membrane protein. CDS complement (54851 - 55477) /note=Selected start is supported by genemark and glimmer, it has coding potential, it has 17 manual annotations, SD score and z-value are -2.976 and 2.477 (best one is -1.748), it has the shortest gap. Hypothetical protein, phages db calls unknown, hhpred has no significant hits, NCBI calls hypothetical, no membrane protein. CDS complement (55474 - 56052) /note=Selected start has coding potential, it is supported by glimmer and genemark, it has 7 manual annotations. SD score and z-value are -1.418 and 3.229. Hypothetical protein, phages db calls unknow, hhpred has no significant hits, NCBI calls hypothetical, no membrane protein. CDS complement (56088 - 56336) /note=Selected start is supported by glimmer and genemark, it has coding potential, it has 27 manual annotations, SD score and z-value are -4.705 and 1.643 (best one is -3.808), it has the shortest gap. Hypothetical protein, phages db calls unknown, hhpred has no significant hits, NCBI calls hypothetical, no membrane. CDS complement (56336 - 56779) /note=Selected start is supported by glimmer and genemark, it has coding potential, there is 25 manual annotations, SD score and z-valuer are -2.460 and 2.726 (best one). Hypothetical protein, phages db calls unknown, hhpred has no significant hits, NCI calls hypothetical, no membrane protein. CDS complement (56776 - 57342) /note=Selected start is supported by glimmer and genemark, it has coding potential, it has 21 manual annotations, it is the longest ORF and has the shortest gap, SD score and z-value are -1.784 and 3.052 (best one). Hypothetical protein, phages db calls unknown, hhpred has no significant hits, NCBI calls hypothetical, no membrane protein. CDS complement (57455 - 57628) /note=Selected start is supported by glimmer and genemark, it has 22 manual annotations, there is not enough coding potential (it predicts something but not completely), SD score and z-value are -2.414 and 2.748 (best one). Hypothetical, phages db calls unknown, hhpred has no significant hits, NCBI calls hypothetical, no membrane protein. CDS complement (57625 - 57852) /note=Selected start is supported by glimmer and genemark, it has coding potential, it has 27 manual annotations, SD score and z-value are -1.748 and 3.069 (best one). Hypothetical protein, phages db calls unknown, hhpred has nos significant hits, NCBI calls hypothetical, no membrane protein. CDS complement (57845 - 58009) /note=Selected start is supported by glimmer and genemark, for the coding potential it shows a potential, but it does not match completely with the start and predicted start is shifted to the left, it has 30 manual annotations, SD score and z-value are -1.748 and 3.069 (best one). Hypothetical protein, phages db calls unknown, hhpred has no significant hits, NCBI calls hypothetical, no membrane. CDS complement (58002 - 58394) /note=Selected start is supported by glimmer and genemark, it has coding potential, it has 35 manual annotations, SD score and z-value are -2.258 and 2.823 (best one), it has the shortest gap. Hypothetical protein, phages db calls unknown, hhpred has no significant hits, NCBI calls hypothetical, no membrane. CDS complement (58391 - 58528) /note=Selected start is supported by glimmer and genemark, it has coding potential, it has 26 manual annotations, SD score and z-value are -3.562 and 2.194 (best one). Membrane protein, phages db calls unknown, hhpred has no significant hits, NCBI calls membrane, deeptmhmm predicts it crosses the membrane although it is quite different to other membrane proteins. CDS complement (58525 - 58854) /note=Hypothetical protein, has all coding potential, only one MA for this start, CDS complement (58851 - 59282) /note=Selected start is supported by glimmer and genemark, it has coding potential, it has 25 manual annotations, SD score and z-value are -2.915 and 2.506 (best one). Hypothetical protein, phages db calls unknown, hhpred has no significant hits, NCBI calls hypothetical, no membrane. CDS complement (59316 - 59597) /note=Selected start is supported by glimmer and genemark, it has all coding potential, it has 25 manual annotations, SD score and z-value are -2.414 and 2.748 (best one). Hypothetical protein, phages db calls unknown, hhpred has no significant hits, NCBI calls hypothetical, no membrane protein. CDS complement (59635 - 59985) /note=Selected start is supported by glimmer and genemark, it has coding potential, it is the longest ORF, it has 20 manual annotations, SD score and z-value are -2.934 and 2.497 (best one). Hypothetical protein, phages db calls unknown, hhpred has no significant hits, NCBI calls hypothetical, no membrane. CDS complement (59982 - 60365) /note=Selected start is supported by glimmer and genemark, it has a better coding potential than 60386, it has 8 manual annotations, SD score and z-value are -3.652 and 2.151 (best one is -2.633). Hypothetical protein, phages db calls unknown, hhpred has no significant hits, NCBI calls hypothetical, no membrane protein. CDS complement (60410 - 60499) /note=There is only one possible start, it is supported by genemark, it has 25 manual annotations, all coding potential, SD score and z-value are -5.659 and 1.182 (best one). Hypothetical protein, phages db calls unknown, hhpred has no significant hits, NCBI calls hypothetical, no membrane protein. CDS complement (60499 - 60645) /note=Only one possible start, it is supported by glimmer, it has 17 manual annotations, there is no coding potential, SD score and z-value are -2.414 and 2.748, I think it is weird that it doesn`t show a coding potential but other phages call it a gene, it also matches in pham maps to Rowlf. Hypothetical protein, phages db calls unknown, hhpred has no significant hits, NCBI calls hypothetical, no membrane. CDS complement (60682 - 60966) /note=Selected start is supported by glimmer and genemark, it has coding potential close to the start but it goes down near the end of the gene, it has 26 manual annotations, SD score and z-value are -4.228 and 1.873 (best one). Hypothetical protein, phages db calls unknown, hhpred has no significant hits, NCBI calls between membrane and hypothetical, deeptmhmm has a prediction but I think it does not cross the membrane. CDS complement (60963 - 61178) /note=Selected start is supported by glimmer and genemark, it has coding potential, it has 27 manual annotations, SD score and z-value are -4.463 and 1.759 (best one). Hypothetical protein, phages db calls unknown, hhpred has no significant hits, NCBI calls hypothetical, no membrane protein. CDS complement (61364 - 62059) /note=Selected start has coding potential, it has 32 manual annotations, it is not supported by glimmer nor genemark, in phages db most other phages have it with the same length, SD score and z-value are -4.177 and 1.898 (best one is -3.368), it has the longest ORF. Hypothetical protein, phages db calls unknown, hhpred has no significant hits, NCBI calls hypothetical, no membrane protein.