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PhagesDB Blog Posts Tagged: Upgrades
Dan Russell
Aug 30, 2014

The quick version

You can now create a PhagesDB account using a Google (gmail), Facebook, or Twitter account. If you already have a PhagesDB account, you can log in, then go to our connections page to assocaite your existing account …

Dan Russell
Nov 7, 2012
So what's new with the new PhagesDB? The second in a two part series...

Up-to-date Databases

Before, the local BLAST database and the Phamerator information on PhagesDB needed to be manually updated, and often we were weeks or months behind in doing …
Dan Russell
Oct 17, 2012
So what's new with the new PhagesDB? The first in a two part series...

Improved Phage and Cluster Lists

Instead of the Phage List and Cluster List being simply lists of names, they're now sortable/searchable tables that …
Dan Russell
Oct 8, 2012
It's been nearly two and a half years since we at Pitt decided the number of isolated mycobacteriophages had reached a point where it was no longer desirable or even possible to use spreadsheets to store phage-related data, and thus …
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