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Gordonia phage Easley
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Detailed Information for Phage Easley
Discovery Information
Isolation HostGordonia terrae CAG3
Found ByKelsi Collins
Year Found2017
Location FoundNyack, NY USA
Finding InstitutionAlliance University (formerly Nyack College)
ProgramScience Education Alliance-Phage Hunters Advancing Genomics and Evolutionary Science
From enriched soil sample?Yes
Isolation TemperatureNot entered
GPS Coordinates41.088 N, 73.931 W Map
Discovery NotesFound on Nyack College Rockland campus, in front of the Bailey Library, under a large tree that was starting to shed its leaves. The soil was about 1 foot off of a sidewalk on one side, about 6" away from grass on the other side. The soil had small pieces of mulch in it.
Naming NotesOne of my friends is named Paige Easley. this is my "phage" Easley.
Sequencing Information
Sequencing Complete?Yes
Date Sequencing CompletedJan 9, 2018
Sequencing FacilityPittsburgh Bacteriophage Institute
Shotgun Sequencing MethodIllumina Sequencing
Genome length (bp)46717
Character of genome endsUnknown
Overhang Length11 bases
Overhang SequenceTGCCAAGGGGA
GC Content66.6%
Fasta file available?Yes: Download fasta file
Cluster Life CycleTemperate
Other Cluster Members
Annotating InstitutionAlliance University (formerly Nyack College)
Annotation StatusIn GenBank
Has been Phamerated?Yes
Gene List
Submitted Minimal DNA Master FileDownload
Publication Info
Uploaded to GenBank?Yes
GenBank AccessionMH155867
Refseq NumberNone yet
Archiving Info
Archiving status Archived
Pitt Freezer Box# 71
Pitt Freezer Box Grid# H3
Available Files
GenBank File for PhameratorDownload