Microbacterium phage OatMilk
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Detailed Information for Phage OatMilk
Discovery Information
Isolation HostMicrobacterium foliorum NRRL B-24224
Found ByAlexis Wood
Year Found2022
Location FoundWorcester, MA United States
Finding InstitutionWorcester Polytechnic Institute
ProgramScience Education Alliance-Phage Hunters Advancing Genomics and Evolutionary Science
From enriched soil sample?No
Isolation Temperature30°C
GPS Coordinates42.27198 N, 71.8032 W Map
Discovery NotesThe phage was discovered in dry, sandy soil amongst heavy vegetation and below an oak tree next to an apartment building on Institute Road in Worcester, MA USA. The area it was recovered from received full sunlight. The temperature of the soil was 21.1 degrees celsius and it was collected 2cm below the surface of the soil.
Naming NotesOat milk is my favorite dairy-free milk to add to my coffee and cereal. I am severely allergic to dairy and oat milk is by far the best alternative to milk that I've tried thus far. Similar to my struggle to find an enjoyable dairy alternative, I struggled to isolate my phage, but once I did the experiment had a great outcome.
Sequencing Information
Sequencing Complete?No
Genome length (bp)Unknown
Character of genome endsUnknown
Fasta file available?No
Annotating InstitutionUnknown or unassigned
Annotation StatusNot sequenced
Plaque NotesPlaques are round, have a smooth border, are very clear, and have a diameter of ~5mm.
Has been Phamerated?No
Publication Info
Uploaded to GenBank?No
GenBank AccessionNone yet
Refseq NumberNone yet
Archiving Info
Archiving status Not in Pitt Archives
Available Files
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