PhagesDB Terms of Use

In the spirit of scientific cooperation, PhagesDB collects and posts data and media related to bacteriophages. Some of this information is published in the public domain (such as GenBank or journal articles) and thus the rights and permissions for use of that information are dictated by the publication venue’s terms.

Other information (“Unpublished Information”) available on PhagesDB is not yet published in other public venues, and PhagesDB and the owners of such information reserve all rights related to the use of that information.

Users are permitted to access, view, and download material—including Unpublished Information—from PhagesDB for personal or classroom use.

Users may not copy, retransmit, distribute, publish, or commercially exploit Unpublished Information from PhagesDB without prior consent from PhagesDB and the owners of such information.

The burden of determining the owner and permissibility of use of any information provided by PhagesDB rests with the user.

Specific questions about usage rights and permissions can be sent via our contact form.

Papers that use substantial information from PhagesDB can cite the paper describing PhagesDB from the journal Bioinformatics. Click here to go to the PhagesDB paper.