Details for Cluster AO phages
Scroll down or click here to jump to the list of this cluster's phages.

Members Subclusters Avg Size (bp) Avg GC% Avg Genes Avg tRNAs
28 3 50,420 62.0 76.7 0

Cluster AO phages infect hosts in the following genus


Lysogeny notes for Cluster AO phages

Phages in this cluster appear to generally be lytic.

List of Microbiology Resource Announcements with Cluster AO phages

Chong et al (2022): Genome Sequence of Arthrobacter Phage NathanVaag

Adair TL et al (2017): Complete Genome Sequences of Arthrobacter Phages Beans, Franzy, Jordan, Piccoletto, Shade, and Timinator.

Cluster AO phages
Phages - of
Click on any phage name or subcluster for details • Click on headers to sort

Phage Name

Host Genus


Genome (bp)




Year Found

EastWest Arthrobacter None 50397 61.5 83 0 2020
Beans Arthrobacter AO1 49797 63.6 73 0 2016
Brent Arthrobacter AO1 49879 63.4 74 0 2014
Franzy Arthrobacter AO1 49976 63.3 72 0 2015
Jawnski Arthrobacter AO1 49419 63.4 73 0 2012
King2 Arthrobacter AO1 50346 63.2 73 0 2018
Nahla* Arthrobacter AO1 49869 63.5 None None 2015
NathanVaag Arthrobacter AO1 49645 63.6 73 0 2019
Piccoletto Arthrobacter AO1 49808 63.6 74 0 2015
BarretLemon Arthrobacter AO2 51290 60.9 79 0 2013
BigDome Arthrobacter AO2 51084 60.9 None None 2024
BossLady Arthrobacter AO2 51178 61.0 79 0 2016
GravityBall Arthrobacter AO2 51100 60.9 78 0 2023
Grekaycon Arthrobacter AO2 51091 61.0 78 0 2018
JKerns Arthrobacter AO2 50789 61.0 76 0 2016
Jordan Arthrobacter AO2 51347 61.1 78 0 2015
LeeroyJ Arthrobacter AO2 51025 60.9 79 0 2014
Martha Arthrobacter AO2 51027 61.0 77 0 2015
Pippa Arthrobacter AO2 50783 61.1 77 0 2018
Shade Arthrobacter AO2 50930 61.1 77 0 2014
Sicarius2 Arthrobacter AO2 49221 63.5 79 0 2019
Sonny Arthrobacter AO2 50909 61.1 77 0 2014
StevieBAY Arthrobacter AO2 51319 60.9 79 0 2014
TaeYoung Arthrobacter AO2 50999 61.0 78 0 2014
Timinator Arthrobacter AO2 51138 60.9 79 0 2014
Wyborn Arthrobacter AO2 49985 63.7 78 0 2022
Zartrosa Arthrobacter AO2 50782 61.0 79 0 2016
Abba Arthrobacter AO3 46623 65.0 71 0 2019
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* Provisional cluster assignment. Awaiting finished genome sequence to make final cluster determination.