Details for Cluster AS phages
Scroll down or click here to jump to the list of this cluster's phages.

Members Subclusters Avg Size (bp) Avg GC% Avg Genes Avg tRNAs
30 3 38,607 66.8 73 0

Cluster AS phages infect hosts in the following genus


Lysogeny notes for Cluster AS phages

Phages in this cluster are generally temperate. (This does not, however, guarantee that every single phage will be able to form lysogens, as some may have had important lysogeny genes deleted.)

Cluster AS phages
Phages - of
Click on any phage name or subcluster for details • Click on headers to sort

Phage Name

Host Genus


Genome (bp)




Year Found

Abidatro Arthrobacter AS1 39122 68.5 None None 2015
Basilisk Arthrobacter AS1 38648 67.6 None None 2021
Brynnie Arthrobacter AS1 38594 67.7 None None 2019
Chickaboom Arthrobacter AS1 38758 67.6 None None 2023
Eesa Arthrobacter AS1 39792 67.1 None None 2021
Galaxy Arthrobacter AS1 37809 68.4 None None 2013
Jamun Arthrobacter AS1 38821 67.8 None None 2021
Orcanus Arthrobacter AS1 39404 67.0 None None 2019
Ruchi Arthrobacter AS1 38571 67.7 None None 2022
TaylorSipht Arthrobacter AS1 39051 68.4 None None 2021
Vulpecula Arthrobacter AS1 37766 67.7 None None 2022
Amelia Arthrobacter AS2 38128 66.6 None None 2017
Coral Arthrobacter AS2 38317 66.7 None None 2017
Cote Arthrobacter AS2 39044 66.7 None None 2017
Daob Arthrobacter AS2 37967 66.6 None None 2017
HannahPhantana Arthrobacter AS2 38120 66.5 None None 2023
Kepler Arthrobacter AS2 38449 66.7 None None 2017
Kuleana Arthrobacter AS2 38850 65.8 None None 2018
LittleTokyo Arthrobacter AS2 38969 66.0 73 0 2019
Lunar Arthrobacter AS2 38450 66.7 None None 2017
Melons Arthrobacter AS2 38457 66.8 None None 2017
Polka Arthrobacter AS2 38077 66.7 None None 2017
Andrew Arthrobacter AS3 38802 65.5 None None 2017
Camara Arthrobacter AS3 38359 66.0 None None 2023
Juno112 Arthrobacter AS3 38469 66.0 None None 2023
KHumphrey Arthrobacter AS3 38343 66.1 None None 2023
Leona Arthrobacter AS3 38596 66.0 None None 2018
PhluffyCoco Arthrobacter AS3 38568 66.0 None None 2022
RedFox Arthrobacter AS3 38728 66.1 None None 2022
Renna12 Arthrobacter AS3 39179 66.0 None None 2021
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