Details for Cluster CQ phages
Scroll down or click here to jump to the list of this cluster's phages.

Members Subclusters Avg Size (bp) Avg GC% Avg Genes Avg tRNAs
18 2 92,910 61.9 176.5 7.4

Cluster CQ phages infect hosts in the following genus


Lysogeny notes for Cluster CQ phages

Phages in this cluster are generally temperate. (This does not, however, guarantee that every single phage will be able to form lysogens, as some may have had important lysogeny genes deleted.)

List of Microbiology Resource Announcements with Cluster CQ phages

Alexander et al (2023): From compost to culver: genome sequence and annotation of a cluster CQ1 Gordonia phage

Pope WH et al. (2017): Complete Genome Sequences of 38 Gordonia sp. Bacteriophages.

Cluster CQ phages
Phages - of
Click on any phage name or subcluster for details • Click on headers to sort

Phage Name

Host Genus


Genome (bp)




Year Found

Abscondus Gordonia CQ1 92481 61.9 173 7 2023
Aphelion Gordonia CQ1 93276 61.9 176 7 2016
Bachita Gordonia CQ1 93843 61.9 182 8 2012
ClubL Gordonia CQ1 92618 61.9 179 8 2014
Cucurbita Gordonia CQ1 93686 62.0 178 8 2015
Culver Gordonia CQ1 93062 61.9 182 8 2017
Dusty Gordonia CQ1 92003 61.9 173 6 2017
Engineer Gordonia CQ1 93340 61.9 179 8 2019
Geeche Gordonia CQ1 94088 61.9 186 6 2023
Lozinak Gordonia CQ1 93201 61.9 179 7 2016
Miskis Gordonia CQ1 92098 62.1 167 8 2023
Norvs Gordonia CQ1 92405 62.0 175 8 2019
PhinkBoden Gordonia CQ1 92817 61.9 176 6 2019
Smoothie Gordonia CQ1 93139 61.9 179 8 2015
Toniann Gordonia CQ1 92546 61.9 179 7 2016
WilliamBoone Gordonia CQ1 92688 61.9 185 8 2016
BrutonGaster Gordonia CQ2 91510 61.5 166 6 2017
OneUp Gordonia CQ2 93577 61.5 163 9 2015
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