Details for Cluster DB phages
Scroll down or click here to jump to the list of this cluster's phages.

Members Subclusters Avg Size (bp) Avg GC% Avg Genes Avg tRNAs
19 -- 46,056 67.0 69.1 0.1

Cluster DB phages infect hosts in the following genus


Lysogeny notes for Cluster DB phages

Phages in this cluster are generally temperate. (This does not, however, guarantee that every single phage will be able to form lysogens, as some may have had important lysogeny genes deleted.)

List of Microbiology Resource Announcements with Cluster DB phages

Pope WH et al. (2017): Complete Genome Sequences of 38 Gordonia sp. Bacteriophages.

Montgomery MT et al (2016): Genome Sequences of Gordonia Phages Bowser and Schwabeltier.

Cluster DB phages
Phages - of
Click on any phage name or subcluster for details • Click on headers to sort

Phage Name

Host Genus

Genome (bp)




Year Found

BackstagePass Gordonia 46223 66.8 71 1 2022
BBQValindra Gordonia 46875 67.3 67 0 2019
Bowser Gordonia 46570 67.1 67 0 2015
Bunker Gordonia 45508 67.1 61 0 2019
Coriander Gordonia 44192 66.8 66 0 2022
DirtyBoi Gordonia 43833 67.1 68 0 2019
Dmitri Gordonia 45736 66.8 63 0 2017
Doggs Gordonia 45384 66.4 64 0 2019
Eyes Gordonia 46772 67.1 65 0 2017
GEazy Gordonia 46728 66.9 73 0 2016
HannahD Gordonia 46095 66.9 70 0 2018
Hedwig Gordonia 44536 67.2 70 0 2015
Kiko Gordonia 44268 66.5 67 0 2017
MagicMan Gordonia 47598 67.1 70 0 2018
Opie Gordonia 47713 67.0 73 0 2017
RayTheFireFly Gordonia 45754 66.9 73 0 2020
Schnabeltier Gordonia 46895 67.0 71 0 2015
TaronosaurasRx Gordonia 47271 67.1 77 0 2019
ZAYM Gordonia 47114 67.2 76 0 2022
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