Details for Cluster DG phages
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Members Subclusters Avg Size (bp) Avg GC% Avg Genes Avg tRNAs
9 2 66,155 59.5 95 0

Cluster DG phages infect hosts in the following genus


Lysogeny notes for Cluster DG phages

Phages in this cluster appear to generally be lytic.

Cluster DG phages
Phages - of
Click on any phage name or subcluster for details • Click on headers to sort

Phage Name

Host Genus


Genome (bp)




Year Found

Beyoncage Gordonia DG1 66610 59.6 96 0 2016
BiteSize Gordonia DG1 66696 59.5 96 0 2019
Djokovic Gordonia DG1 66609 59.6 96 0 2017
LilyPad Gordonia DG1 64158 59.2 90 0 2021
Madi Gordonia DG1 66439 59.5 95 0 2020
Sienna Gordonia DG1 66807 59.6 97 0 2019
Suzy Gordonia DG1 67118 59.1 96 0 2017
Terapin Gordonia DG1 66611 59.6 97 0 2015
LittleFella Gordonia DG2 64351 60.2 92 0 2018
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