Details for Cluster ED phages
Scroll down or click here to jump to the list of this cluster's phages.

Members Subclusters Avg Size (bp) Avg GC% Avg Genes Avg tRNAs
25 2 63,270 62.8 118.9 2.8

Cluster ED phages infect hosts in the following genus


Lysogeny notes for Cluster ED phages

Phages in this cluster appear to generally be lytic.

Cluster ED phages
Phages - of
Click on any phage name or subcluster for details • Click on headers to sort

Phage Name

Host Genus


Genome (bp)




Year Found

Wolfstar Microbacterium None 64887 63.8 121 3 2023
Alleb Microbacterium ED1 62684 64.5 115 4 2017
DejaVu Microbacterium ED1 63339 62.8 123 0 2022
Hortus1 Microbacterium ED1 63119 64.6 114 4 2016
Hubbs Microbacterium ED1 63862 62.8 121 0 2018
Jacko Microbacterium ED1 61421 64.9 114 2 2017
Lupine Microbacterium ED1 62533 62.7 117 0 2018
OlinDD Microbacterium ED1 63123 64.6 114 4 2016
Pavlo Microbacterium ED1 63610 62.8 119 0 2021
PhillyPhilly Microbacterium ED1 62869 62.7 118 0 2018
Pioneer3 Microbacterium ED1 62954 64.6 114 4 2016
Platte Microbacterium ED1 62728 64.7 113 4 2019
Roman Microbacterium ED1 64259 62.8 123 0 2018
Tandem Microbacterium ED1 63128 64.7 114 4 2016
ASegato Microbacterium ED2 63246 61.7 121 3 2022
DustyDino Microbacterium ED2 63925 61.5 123 5 2020
Erenyeager Microbacterium ED2 62874 61.7 117 5 2022
Fork Microbacterium ED2 62090 61.8 117 3 2017
Lyell Microbacterium ED2 62716 61.6 122 3 2017
Musetta Microbacterium ED2 63604 61.7 119 4 2017
Necrophoxinus Microbacterium ED2 64175 61.7 123 3 2020
RunningBrook Microbacterium ED2 63925 61.5 124 4 2022
StevieWelch Microbacterium ED2 63972 61.6 124 4 2021
Welcome Microbacterium ED2 63952 61.7 122 5 2020
Yuma Microbacterium ED2 62758 61.7 120 3 2020
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