Details for Cluster GA phages
Scroll down or click here to jump to the list of this cluster's phages.

Members Subclusters Avg Size (bp) Avg GC% Avg Genes Avg tRNAs
10 -- 38,806 67.9 65.4 1

Cluster GA phages infect hosts in the following genus


Lysogeny notes for Cluster GA phages

Currently, it is not known for sure whether phages in this cluster tend to be temperate or lytic.

List of Microbiology Resource Announcements with Cluster GA phages

McLean et al (2023): Genome sequences of cluster GA phages Phonegingi and Dropshot

Cluster GA phages
Phages - of
Click on any phage name or subcluster for details • Click on headers to sort

Phage Name

Host Genus

Genome (bp)




Year Found

Antuna Microbacterium 38948 68.1 67 1 2021
Appa Microbacterium 38684 68.0 65 1 2016
Blett Microbacterium 38630 68.0 64 1 2017
Bush Microbacterium 38879 68.0 66 1 2023
Dropshot Microbacterium 38522 68.0 65 1 2022
MenE Microbacterium 38495 68.0 66 1 2023
Phonegingi Microbacterium 39364 67.6 67 1 2022
Pickles13 Microbacterium 39237 67.8 65 1 2020
Ruder* Microbacterium None None None None 2023
Warren Microbacterium 38493 67.9 64 1 2018
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* Provisional cluster assignment. Awaiting finished genome sequence to make final cluster determination.