Details for Cluster M phages
Scroll down or click here to jump to the list of this cluster's phages.

Members Subclusters Avg Size (bp) Avg GC% Avg Genes Avg tRNAs
20 3 81,622 61.3 141.3 18.7

Cluster M phages infect hosts in the following genus


Lysogeny notes for Cluster M phages

Phages in this cluster are generally temperate. (This does not, however, guarantee that every single phage will be able to form lysogens, as some may have had important lysogeny genes deleted.)

Cluster M phages
Phages - of
Click on any phage name or subcluster for details • Click on headers to sort

Phage Name

Host Genus


Genome (bp)




Year Found

Auspice Mycobacterium M1 81421 61.6 None None 2022
Bongo Mycobacterium M1 80228 61.6 132 19 2009
Bricole Mycobacterium M1 81128 61.6 None None 2014
Diminimus Mycobacterium M1 80037 61.6 None None 2022
Dulcita Mycobacterium M1 80038 61.6 None None 2022
Glaske16 Mycobacterium M1 81156 61.6 None None 2022
IPhane7 Mycobacterium M1 81036 61.6 None None 2016
LilhomieP Mycobacterium M1 81071 61.6 None None 2015
PegLeg Mycobacterium M1 80955 61.5 139 16 2011
Reindeer Mycobacterium M1 82356 60.3 None None 2016
Skinny Mycobacterium M1 82071 61.5 None None 2021
SlimJimmy Mycobacterium M1 81754 61.5 None None 2022
TyDawg Mycobacterium M1 81039 61.6 None None 2018
Aziz Mycobacterium M2 83412 60.7 None None 2017
Estes Mycobacterium M2 83601 60.9 None None 2017
GardenSalsa Mycobacterium M2 80309 60.9 None None 2015
GenevaB15 Mycobacterium M2 80123 60.8 None None 2015
MrMagoo Mycobacterium M2 84303 60.8 None None 2015
Rey Mycobacterium M2 83724 60.9 153 21 2008
Nanosmite Mycobacterium M3 82676 61.7 None None 2015
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