Arthrobacter phage Crikey
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Detailed Information for Phage Crikey
Discovery Information
Isolation HostArthrobacter globiformis B-2979
Found ByJung Vin Seo & Abigail Donovan
Year Found2019
Location FoundMontgomery, AL United States of America
Finding InstitutionUniversity of Alabama at Birmingham
ProgramScience Education Alliance-Phage Hunters Advancing Genomics and Evolutionary Science
From enriched soil sample?Yes
Isolation Temperature28°C
GPS Coordinates32.3078 N, 86.1444 W Map
Discovery NotesDiscovered in the front yard of an empty neighborhood lot in soil that gets treated frequently.
Naming NotesIn searching for a name for our phage, we first combined our first names (Jung Vin and Abigail) to create Jungail. This led to Jungle, which made us think of the show Bindi the Jungle Girl. Bindi is the daughter of famed crocodile hunter Steve Irwin. Although Steve is no longer with us, he touched the lives of so many people with his kindness, passion, and genuine spirit. He leaves behind a legacy and his favorite phrase, Crikey!, which we recognize in the naming of our phage.
Sequencing Information
Sequencing Complete?No
Genome length (bp)Unknown
Character of genome endsUnknown
Fasta file available?No
Annotating InstitutionUnknown or unassigned
Annotation StatusNot sequenced
Plaque NotesSmall, clear, defined plaques, approximately 0.10 cm in diameter
Has been Phamerated?No
Publication Info
Uploaded to GenBank?No
GenBank AccessionNone yet
Refseq NumberNone yet
Archiving Info
Archiving status Archived
SEA Lysate Titer 1.16*10^9 pfu/mL
Pitt Freezer Box# 103
Pitt Freezer Box Grid# E8
Available Files
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