Gordonia phage GoFish
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Detailed Information for Phage GoFish | |
Discovery Information | |
Isolation Host | Gordonia terrae 3612 |
Found By | Nitya Reddy |
Year Found | 2018 |
Location Found | Erie, PA USA |
Finding Institution | University of Pittsburgh |
Program | Science Education Alliance-Phage Hunters Advancing Genomics and Evolutionary Science |
From enriched soil sample? | No |
Isolation Temperature | Not entered |
GPS Coordinates | 42.1489 N, 80.1327 W Map |
Discovery Notes | I collected the soil sample near Lake Erie. It was collected in a little park near the grills where people cook. The soil was pretty dry, but there were many trees around. The grass around where I collected my soil sample was yellow. After completing the direct isolation and spot test protocols, I got 6 positive clearings for my spot test. I chose one of those clearings to start my plaque purification. |
Naming Notes | I came up with the name because I collected the soil sample I isolated my phage from near a lake. When I think of lakes, I think of fish, so I named the phage GoFish. |
Sequencing Information | |
Sequencing Complete? | No |
Genome length (bp) | Unknown |
Character of genome ends | Unknown |
Fasta file available? | No |
Characterization | |
Cluster | Unclustered |
Subcluster | -- |
Lysogeny Notes | I performed an alternative spot titer on phage GoFish. I waited for mesas to form, and then I streaked the mesa out to dilute it further. Individual colonies formed in the streaked plate. Since individual colonies formed, there is a possibility that phage GoFish is capable of forming lysogens which also means phage GoFish is possibly a temperate phage. However, I was not able to do further testing to confirm whether phage GoFish is a temperate or lytic phage. |
Annotating Institution | Unknown or unassigned |
Annotation Status | Not sequenced |
Plaque Notes | The plaque I chose, the edges were relatively smooth and it was a decent sized plaque. For the most part, the plaque was pretty circular. The clearing is completely clear and about 1-1.5 cm big. |
Has been Phamerated? | No |
Publication Info | |
Uploaded to GenBank? | No |
GenBank Accession | None yet |
Refseq Number | None yet |
Archiving Info | |
Archiving status | Archived |
Pitt Freezer Box# | 90 |
Pitt Freezer Box Grid# | B12 |
Available Files | |
Plaque Picture | Download |
EM Picture | Download |