Streptomyces phage MiniFlayer
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Detailed Information for Phage MiniFlayer
Discovery Information
Isolation HostStreptomyces mirabilis NRRL B-2400
Found ByJenell Lewis and Hira Ahmed
Year Found2019
Location FoundPoolesville, MD USA
Finding InstitutionUniversity of Maryland, Baltimore County
ProgramScience Education Alliance-Phage Hunters Advancing Genomics and Evolutionary Science
From enriched soil sample?No
Isolation Temperature30°C
GPS Coordinates39.129923 N, 77.411686 W Map
Discovery NotesMiniflayer was identified as a contaminating phage in Streptomyces phage MindFlayer (cluster BE) upon sequencing. It is hypothesized that it is a phagelet, requiring MindFlayer as a helper phage.
Naming NotesMiniFlayer because its genome is 10% the size of MindFlayer.
Sequencing Information
Sequencing Complete?No
Sequencing FacilityPittsburgh Bacteriophage Institute
Shotgun Sequencing MethodIllumina
Genome length (bp)Unknown
Character of genome endsUnknown
Fasta file available?No
Annotating InstitutionUnknown or unassigned
Annotation StatusNot sequenced
Number of Genes26
Number of tRNAs0
Number of tmRNAs0
Has been Phamerated?No
Publication Info
Uploaded to GenBank?No
GenBank AccessionNone yet
Refseq NumberNone yet
Published in PaperdeCarvalho et al, 2023 2023, The ISME Journal: Simultaneous entry as an adaptation to virulence in a novel satellite-helper system infecting Streptomyces species
Archiving Info
Archiving status Ignore
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