Details for Subcluster CR4 phages
Members Avg Size (bp) Avg GC% Avg Genes Avg tRNAs
9 65,222 66.2 91.6 0

Subcluster CR4 phages infect hosts in the following genus


Subcluster CR4 phages
Phages - of
Click on any phage name for details • Click on headers to sort

Phage Name

Host Genus

Genome (bp)




Year Found

BiPauneto Gordonia 66935 66.2 95 0 2016
HubbaBubba Gordonia 63959 66.1 87 0 2023
IDyn Gordonia 65218 66.2 90 0 2017
Jiren* Gordonia None None None None 2018
Marietta Gordonia 64370 66.1 91 0 2017
NadineRae Gordonia 64714 66.1 92 0 2018
Sukkupi Gordonia 66184 66.2 93 0 2017
WhoseManz Gordonia 64214 66.1 92 0 2017
Yndexa Gordonia 66184 66.2 93 0 2017
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* Provisional cluster assignment. Awaiting finished genome sequence to make final cluster determination.