Details for Subcluster K2 phages
Members Avg Size (bp) Avg GC% Avg Genes Avg tRNAs
16 57,580 68.3 93.7 0

Subcluster K2 phages infect hosts in the following genus


Microbiology Resource Announcements with Subcluster K2 phages

Saha S et al (2017): Genome Sequences of Mycobacteriophages Findley, Hurricane, and TBond007

Subcluster K2 phages
Phages - of
Click on any phage name for details • Click on headers to sort

Phage Name

Host Genus

Genome (bp)




Year Found

BontFonne* Mycobacterium None None None None 2013
BoostSeason Mycobacterium 58078 68.2 94 0 2017
Cygnus24* Mycobacterium None None None None 2012
DismalFunk Mycobacterium 58129 68.3 94 0 2015
DismalStressor Mycobacterium 58129 68.3 94 0 2015
Doughnut Mycobacterium 58260 68.3 96 0 2022
Findley Mycobacterium 58150 68.3 94 0 2014
Marcoliusprime Mycobacterium 58129 68.2 92 0 2015
Milly Mycobacterium 58211 68.3 94 0 2013
Mufasa Mycobacterium 58065 68.2 94 0 2012
Persephone* Mycobacterium None None None None 2011
Strobilo Mycobacterium 58127 68.3 95 0 2023
TM4 Mycobacterium 52787 68.1 92 0 1984
Uncooperative* Mycobacterium None None None None 2011
Zigg* Mycobacterium None None None None 2011
ZoeJ Mycobacterium 57315 68.5 92 0 2012
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* Provisional cluster assignment. Awaiting finished genome sequence to make final cluster determination.