Details for Cluster AY phages
Scroll down or click here to jump to the list of this cluster's phages.

Members Subclusters Avg Size (bp) Avg GC% Avg Genes Avg tRNAs
29 -- 52,637 62.7

Cluster AY phages infect hosts in the following genus


Lysogeny notes for Cluster AY phages

Phages in this cluster are generally temperate. (This does not, however, guarantee that every single phage will be able to form lysogens, as some may have had important lysogeny genes deleted.)

Cluster AY phages
Phages - of
Click on any phage name or subcluster for details • Click on headers to sort

Phage Name

Host Genus

Genome (bp)




Year Found

AbbyDaisy Arthrobacter 54880 62.8 None None 2022
Aikyam Arthrobacter 50458 62.7 None None 2023
Anekin Arthrobacter 53469 62.5 None None 2022
Auxilium Arthrobacter 49447 62.6 None None 2017
BenchScraper Arthrobacter 51219 62.9 None None 2023
BillyTP Arthrobacter 53003 62.8 None None 2023
CookieBear Arthrobacter 52202 62.8 None None 2023
EvePickles Arthrobacter 53419 63.2 None None 2021
Faja Arthrobacter 52490 63.1 None None 2017
Globfish Arthrobacter 51397 62.8 None None 2023
Gorpy Arthrobacter 53560 62.7 None None 2018
Hestia Arthrobacter 51476 62.3 None None 2017
Hillester Arthrobacter 52737 62.5 None None 2021
Isolde Arthrobacter 53234 62.6 None None 2017
Lawnathon Arthrobacter 53064 62.8 None None 2024
MidnightRain Arthrobacter 53674 62.5 None None 2022
Persistence Arthrobacter 50433 62.1 None None 2019
Phrank15 Arthrobacter 53315 62.2 None None 2022
RadFad Arthrobacter 52737 62.5 None None 2021
Raphaella Arthrobacter 51692 62.6 None None 2023
Raqqa Arthrobacter 54146 62.7 None None 2023
Richie Arthrobacter 53867 62.7 None None 2017
Sakai Arthrobacter 52271 62.7 None None 2018
Sashimi Arthrobacter 52200 63.6 None None 2023
Seahorse Arthrobacter 56481 62.7 None None 2017
SpicyFrank Arthrobacter 52266 62.7 None None 2024
ThayneTheZag Arthrobacter 53779 63.2 None None 2024
Tiff81 Arthrobacter 50530 62.6 None None 2022
YoungHarleezy Arthrobacter 53028 62.9 None None 2023
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