Details for Cluster D phages
Scroll down or click here to jump to the list of this cluster's phages.

Members Subclusters Avg Size (bp) Avg GC% Avg Genes Avg tRNAs
22 2 64,789 59.6 88.8 0

Cluster D phages infect hosts in the following genus


Papers related to Cluster D phages

Hatfull, GF (2012): The secret lives of mycobacteriophages.

Lysogeny notes for Cluster D phages

Phages in this cluster appear to generally be lytic.

This assessment has been made experimentally, meaning attempts to isolate stable lysogens for phages in this cluster have generally been unsuccessful.

Cluster D phages
Phages - of
Click on any phage name or subcluster for details • Click on headers to sort

Phage Name

Host Genus


Genome (bp)




Year Found

Adjutor Mycobacterium D1 64511 59.9 86 0 2008
BigMama Mycobacterium D1 64592 59.7 None None 2012
Butterscotch Mycobacterium D1 64562 59.7 86 0 2006
Chill Mycobacterium D1 64529 59.7 None None 2016
Delton Mycobacterium D1 64963 59.6 None None 2018
Erk16 Mycobacterium D1 64877 59.6 None None 2016
Giuseppe Mycobacterium D1 64604 59.6 None None 2018
Gumball Mycobacterium D1 64807 59.6 88 0 2003
Helpful Mycobacterium D1 64794 59.6 None None 2017
KandZ Mycobacterium D1 64596 59.7 None None 2015
Mopey Mycobacterium D1 64625 59.6 None None 2021
Nova Mycobacterium D1 65108 59.7 88 0 2006
PBI1 Mycobacterium D1 64494 59.8 81 0 2003
Penelope2018 Mycobacterium D1 64554 59.7 None None 2018
PLot Mycobacterium D1 64787 59.8 89 0 2003
Prager Mycobacterium D1 64462 59.7 None None 2023
SirHarley Mycobacterium D1 64791 59.6 89 0 2007
Thoth Mycobacterium D1 64606 59.7 None None 2019
Troll4 Mycobacterium D1 64618 59.6 88 0 2004
Visconti Mycobacterium D1 64570 59.7 None None 2016
WaldoWhy Mycobacterium D1 64529 59.7 None None 2016
Hawkeye Mycobacterium D2 67383 57.0 104 0 2012
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