Gordonia phage Babyloucarrot
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Detailed Information for Phage Babyloucarrot | |
Discovery Information | |
Isolation Host | Gordonia terrae CAG3 |
Found By | Clare Prohaska |
Year Found | 2024 |
Location Found | Wichita, KS United States |
Finding Institution | Kansas State University |
Program | Science Education Alliance-Phage Hunters Advancing Genomics and Evolutionary Science |
From enriched soil sample? | Yes |
Isolation Temperature | 26°C |
GPS Coordinates | 37.699167 N, 97.178611 W Map |
Discovery Notes | Phage was found in crumbly, dry soil. Soil had tiny leaves and sticks throughout. Soil was medium brown in color, collected by the shore of a pond in an urban neighborhood. The electron microscopy revealed that the phage was oblong and round, different from most siphoviridae. |
Naming Notes | The plaques for this phage were pretty small compared to the phages of my peers with an oblong shape. So, I decided to name my phage Babyloucarrot. This is a reference to the carrot in Veggie Tales, who has an oblong shape. |
Sequencing Information | |
Sequencing Complete? | No |
Genome length (bp) | Unknown |
Character of genome ends | Unknown |
Fasta file available? | No |
Characterization | |
Cluster | Unclustered |
Subcluster | -- |
Lysogeny Notes | The phage was infected with Gordonia lacunae and Gordonia rubripertineta but the phage did not infect either bacterium. Based off of the lysogeny testing, the phage is lysogenic. |
Annotating Institution | Unknown or unassigned |
Annotation Status | Not sequenced |
Plaque Notes | They were very small, clear, and round. |
Morphotype | Siphoviridae |
Has been Phamerated? | No |
Publication Info | |
Uploaded to GenBank? | No |
GenBank Accession | None yet |
Refseq Number | None yet |
Archiving Info | |
Archiving status | Not in Pitt Archives |
SEA Lysate Titer | 5.66X10e10 |
Available Files | |
Plaque Picture | Download |
EM Picture | Download |