Picking a Plaque
Description/Goal: To obtain a liquid sample of phage from a plaque (or putative plaque) on a lawn of bacteria.
Last Updated: June 17, 2013
As PDF: Picking_a_Plaque_PDF_1.pdf
As Word Doc: Picking_a_Plaque_1.docx
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BoopleSnoot (Q) Chentzyk (B3) Scissor2024 (EA11) RazorC (DV) MiamiPanther (EK1)Description/Goal: To obtain a liquid sample of phage from a plaque (or putative plaque) on a lawn of bacteria.
Last Updated: June 17, 2013
As PDF: Picking_a_Plaque_PDF_1.pdf
As Word Doc: Picking_a_Plaque_1.docx