PhagesDB Blog

Updates, thoughts, comments, clarifications, serial commas, and more from the PhagesDB team. This is where we'll keep you up-to-date with the latest news and info related to the bacteriophage world.

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Debbie Jacobs-Sera
May 5, 2014
Hi all,

Recently, NCBI changed the location of the BLAST server from to This will cause HTTP 404 or HTTP 301 errors when attempting to run BLAST searches from within DNA Master.

Dr. Jeffrey Lawrence has just issued a DNA …
Tags: BLAST, DNA Master
Dan Russell
Apr 24, 2014
As the academic year moves towards its end, there are a couple of deadlines SEA-PHAGES participants should be aware of.

The deadline for submitting abstracts to be considered for talks or posters at the 6th Annual SEA-PHAGES Symposium is Monday, April …
Dr. Welkin H Pope
Jan 21, 2014
A new update to DNA Master addresses the recent problem of intermittent and skipped BLAST hits when BLASTing a complete genome. Make sure to update your program by going to Help-->Update DNA Master
and then closing and relaunching your program.
Tags: BLAST, DNA Master
Dan Russell
Nov 25, 2013
Many of you in the SEA have been doing some phage sequencing on your own, and some of you have been using Ion Torrent PGMs to do that sequencing. We at Pitt have been working with our PGM for over …
Dan Russell
Sep 16, 2013
For those of you in the SEA-PHAGES program out there, I hope the school year is off to a fantastic start, and new phages are being isolated all over the place. We're excited to see what you're finding!

More so this …
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