Additional Hosts
Description/Goal: To expand Phagehunting to hosts that are related to M. smegmatis mc2 155.
Last Updated: April 30, 2013
As PDF: additional_hosts_4.2013.pdf
As Word Doc: additional_hosts_4.2013.docx
Recently Added Phages
Ritsville Lilphuzz DirtLily WakaPhlocka GoobletRecently Modified Phages
Bramble Trefoil Lenard39 Omaha VenturaBentleyRecently Finished Phages
Riverton (B1) SilverChicken (F2) Rearden (J) Plata (B1) Becksu (E)Description/Goal: To expand Phagehunting to hosts that are related to M. smegmatis mc2 155.
Last Updated: April 30, 2013
As PDF: additional_hosts_4.2013.pdf
As Word Doc: additional_hosts_4.2013.docx