Gordonia phage Pakusa
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Detailed Information for Phage Pakusa
Discovery Information
Isolation HostGordonia rubripertincta NRRL B-16540
Found ByKashmala Mahmood
Year Found2022
Location FoundSterling, VA United States
Finding InstitutionGeorge Mason University
ProgramScience Education Alliance-Phage Hunters Advancing Genomics and Evolutionary Science
From enriched soil sample?Yes
Isolation TemperatureNot entered
GPS Coordinates39.009392 N, 77.378712 W Map
Discovery NotesThe sample was collected from the side of a relatively clear lake on the morning of August 29th. The location was a few feet off from a rough path, which divided the water body from a steep hill. The soil was moist due to contact with the lake water (similar to damp silt), and the sample was taken within 2 inches of the surface.
Naming NotesThe name of the phage is a reference to the discoverer's mother and birth nations. It is a concatenation of the former's first three letters and the acronym of the latter.
Sequencing Information
Sequencing Complete?Yes
Date Sequencing CompletedJan 23, 2023
Sequencing FacilityPittsburgh Bacteriophage Institute
Shotgun Sequencing MethodIllumina
Sequencer UsedIllumina MiSeq
Read TypeSingle-end reads
Read Length150 bp
Approximate Shotgun Coverage1214
Genome length (bp)88438
Character of genome endsCircularly Permuted
GC Content60.3%
Fasta file available?Yes: Download fasta file
Cluster Life CycleLytic
Other Cluster Members
Annotating InstitutionGeorge Mason University
Annotation StatusOverdue (Expected completion by 1/31/2025)
Plaque NotesSmall (about 1 mm), turbid plaques. No halos were seen and it was assumed that the plaques were temperate.
Number of Genes121
Number of tRNAs1
Number of tmRNAs0
Has been Phamerated?Yes
Gene List
Publication Info
Uploaded to GenBank?No
GenBank AccessionNone yet
Refseq NumberNone yet
Archiving Info
Archiving status Archived
Pitt Freezer Box# 161
Pitt Freezer Box Grid# E4
Available Files
Plaque PictureDownload
Restriction Digest PictureDownload
EM PictureDownload