Gordonia phage BobRoss2024
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Detailed Information for Phage BobRoss2024
Discovery Information
Isolation HostGordonia rubripertincta NRRL B-16540
Found BySebastian Olmeda
Year Found2024
Location FoundPittsburgh, PA United States
Finding InstitutionUniversity of Pittsburgh
ProgramScience Education Alliance-Phage Hunters Advancing Genomics and Evolutionary Science
From enriched soil sample?Yes
Isolation Temperature30°C
GPS Coordinates40.44396 N, 79.55565 W Map
Discovery NotesNames of group members: Deniz Cinemre, Gunes Cinemre, Sebastian Olmeda.
The soil sample was collected from the patch of grass in front of the Soldiers and Sailors building. The surrounding environment is a mix of sidewalks next to a busy street and a patch of grass with some trees. Since it was rainy when the sample was collected, it was muddy and wet. The soil was collected to the size of a golf ball using sterile disposable gloves.
Naming NotesWe chose BobRoss2024 because we got a phage isolate by mistake and Bob Ross used to say "In art, there are no mistakes, just happy little accidents."
Sequencing Information
Sequencing Complete?Yes
Date Sequencing CompletedJul 2, 2024
Sequencing FacilityPittsburgh Bacteriophage Institute
Shotgun Sequencing MethodIllumina
Sequencer UsedIllumina NextSeq 1000
Read TypeSingle-end reads
Read Length100 bp
Approximate Shotgun Coverage4092
Genome length (bp)60975
Character of genome endsCircularly Permuted
GC Content68.6%
Fasta file available?Yes: Download fasta file
Cluster Life CycleLytic
Other Cluster Members
Annotating InstitutionUniversity of Pittsburgh
Annotation StatusBeing Annotated (Expected completion by 6/13/2025)
Number of Genes86
Number of tRNAs0
Number of tmRNAs0
Has been Phamerated?Yes
Gene List
Publication Info
Uploaded to GenBank?No
GenBank AccessionNone yet
Refseq NumberNone yet
Archiving Info
Archiving status Archived
Pitt Freezer Box# 189
Pitt Freezer Box Grid# A1