Discovery Information |
Isolation Host | Streptomyces griseus ATCC 10137 |
Found By | Isabel Delwel & Jazmine Gill |
Year Found | 2014 |
Location Found | Brooklyn, NY USA |
Finding Institution | University of North Texas |
Program | Science Education Alliance-Phage Hunters Advancing Genomics and Evolutionary Science |
From enriched soil sample? | Yes |
Isolation Temperature | Not entered |
GPS Coordinates | 40.674761 N, 73.952306 W Map |
Discovery Notes | Soil was collected from a backyard where the owners grow all kinds of vegetables. The soil was a little wet, as a result of watering the plants. The temperature was rather mild considering the soil was collected in the summer. Soil was a bit sandy. |
Naming Notes | Phage was named as a combination of the founders' middle names, Olympia and Elena. The word Olympia is close to Olympic and the word Elena is close to the word Helado, which means ice cream in Spanish. |
Sequencing Information |
Sequencing Complete? | Yes |
Date Sequencing Completed | Feb 10, 2015 |
Sequencing Facility | Pittsburgh Bacteriophage Institute |
Shotgun Sequencing Method | Illumina |
Approximate Shotgun Coverage | 1487 |
Genome length (bp) | 56189 |
Character of genome ends | 3' Sticky Overhang |
Overhang Length | 9 bases |
Overhang Sequence | CGCCCGCCT |
End Determination Notes | Clean buildups in Illumina sequencing reads. |
GC Content | 59.5% |
Fasta file available? | Yes: Download fasta file |
Characterization |
Cluster | BI |
Subcluster | BI1 |
Cluster Life Cycle | Lytic |
Other Cluster Members |
Annotating Institution | Unknown or unassigned |
Annotation Status | In GenBank |
Plaque Notes | The plaques were lytic(clear), almost perfectly round, and approximately .5mm in diameter. It took 48 hours of incubation to produce plaques on a medium titer. |
Number of Genes | 88 |
Number of tRNAs | 0 |
Number of tmRNAs | 0 |
Has been Phamerated? | Yes |
Gene List |
Submitted Annotation in DNA Master Format | Download |
Submitted Minimal DNA Master File | Download |
Author List | Download |
Annotation Cover Sheet | Download |
Publication Info |
Uploaded to GenBank? | Yes |
GenBank Accession | KX670789 |
Refseq Number | None yet |
Archiving Info |
Archiving status |
Archived |
Pitt Freezer Box# |
36 |
Pitt Freezer Box Grid# |
B10 |
Available Files |
Plaque Picture | Download |
Restriction Digest Picture | Download |
EM Picture | Download |
GenBank File for Phamerator | Download |