Detailed Information for Phage Pharky | |
Discovery Information | |
Isolation Host | Microbacterium foliorum NRRL B-24224 |
Found By | Aleda Jomy |
Year Found | 2019 |
Location Found | Philadelphia, PA United States of America |
Finding Institution | Drexel University |
Program | Science Education Alliance-Phage Hunters Advancing Genomics and Evolutionary Science |
From enriched soil sample? | No |
Isolation Temperature | 25°C |
GPS Coordinates | 39.961111 N, 75.188056 W Map |
Discovery Notes | The sample was collected from an open grassy area with trees at Drexel Park, on the Drexel University campus. The park soil was slightly damp. |
Naming Notes | I found the phage in the park, so my partner and I decided to replace the p in park with a ph, and then we added the -y to make it cute. |
Sequencing Information | |
Sequencing Complete? | Yes |
Date Sequencing Completed | Dec 4, 2019 |
Sequencing Facility | Pittsburgh Bacteriophage Institute |
Shotgun Sequencing Method | Illumina |
Approximate Shotgun Coverage | 192 |
Genome length (bp) | 54442 |
Character of genome ends | Circularly Permuted |
GC Content | 59.7% |
Fasta file available? | Yes: Download fasta file |
Characterization | |
Cluster | EK |
Subcluster | EK2 |
Cluster Life Cycle | Unknown |
Other Cluster Members |
Click to ViewEugeneKrabs (None) KingKamren (None) Zhengyi (None) Alex44 (EK1) ArMaWen (EK1) Biozilla (EK1) Birdfeeder (EK1) BlueRugrat (EK1) Corn21 (EK1) CrunchyBoi (EK1) Dashyla (EK1) DumpQuist (EK1) HitchHiker (EK1) JessellCookie (EK1) LesNorah (EK1) LilyLou (EK1) MiamiPanther (EK1) Oatly (EK1) Pabst (EK1) Phogo (EK1) PineapplePluto (EK1) Stormbreaker (EK1) SwissCheezer (EK1) TicTac (EK1) TinyTimothy (EK1) TownLake (EK1) Unphazed (EK1) Wesak (EK1) Xitlalli (EK1) YellowPanda (EK1) Akoni (EK2) AloeVera (EK2) Ashton (EK2) Astartes (EK2) Atraxi (EK2) Barroma (EK2) Fede (EK2) Fullmetal (EK2) JordanFarm (EK2) Mazun (EK2) Moleficent (EK2) Morrill (EK2) Pharky (EK2) Phedro (EK2) Phractured (EK2) PhriedRice (EK2) RicoCaldo (EK2) ShyRosie (EK2) StagePhright (EK2) ThirteenKH (EK2) TrippleS (EK2) Truong (EK2) Waterlily (EK2) Yafa (EK2) |
Annotating Institution | Drexel University |
Annotation Status | In GenBank |
Plaque Notes | The plaque assay had around 15-20 plaques of varying morphologies. They all seem to be clear plaques, but of varying sizes. The smaller plaques were 0.8mm and the larger ones were around 1 mm. |
Number of Genes | 55 |
Number of tRNAs | 0 |
Number of tmRNAs | 0 |
Has been Phamerated? | Yes |
Gene List |
Click to ViewPharky_1 Pharky_2 Pharky_3 Pharky_4 Pharky_5 Pharky_6 Pharky_7 Pharky_8 Pharky_9 Pharky_10 Pharky_11 Pharky_12 Pharky_13 Pharky_14 Pharky_15 Pharky_16 Pharky_17 Pharky_18 Pharky_19 Pharky_20 Pharky_21 Pharky_22 Pharky_23 Pharky_24 Pharky_25 Pharky_26 Pharky_27 Pharky_28 Pharky_29 Pharky_30 Pharky_31 Pharky_32 Pharky_33 Pharky_34 Pharky_35 Pharky_36 Pharky_37 Pharky_38 Pharky_39 Pharky_40 Pharky_41 Pharky_42 Pharky_43 Pharky_44 Pharky_45 Pharky_46 Pharky_47 Pharky_48 Pharky_49 Pharky_50 Pharky_51 Pharky_52 Pharky_53 Pharky_54 Pharky_55 |
Submitted Minimal DNA Master File | Download |
Publication Info | |
Uploaded to GenBank? | Yes |
GenBank Accession | MT310891 |
Refseq Number | None yet |
Archiving Info | |
Archiving status | Archived |
Pitt Freezer Box# | 105 |
Pitt Freezer Box Grid# | H2 |
Available Files | |
Plaque Picture | Download |
GenBank File for Phamerator | Download |