Detailed Information for Phage Anseraureola | |
Discovery Information | |
Isolation Host | Microbacterium foliorum NRRL B-24224 |
Found By | Fengkai Lin, Angela Zou |
Year Found | 2020 |
Location Found | Amherst, MA United States |
Finding Institution | University of Massachusetts Amherst |
Program | Science Education Alliance-Phage Hunters Advancing Genomics and Evolutionary Science |
From enriched soil sample? | No |
Isolation Temperature | -4°C |
GPS Coordinates | 42.389642 N, 72.526139 W Map |
Discovery Notes | It is discovered in a pond near the center of our campus, which like most ponds in Massachusetts they also consist of a large population of goose yearly. Similar to the sewage, I thought it could also consist of phages, which I did discover plenty of them. |
Naming Notes | Anser aureola is "goose halo" in latin and "golden goose" when translated as a whole. This is probably the best name ever. |
Sequencing Information | |
Sequencing Complete? | Yes |
Date Sequencing Completed | Jan 8, 2021 |
Sequencing Facility | Pittsburgh Bacteriophage Institute |
Shotgun Sequencing Method | Illumina |
Sequencer Used | Illumina MiSeq |
Read Type | Single-end reads |
Read Length | 150 bp |
Approximate Shotgun Coverage | 12505 |
Genome length (bp) | 17425 |
Character of genome ends | 3' Sticky Overhang |
Overhang Length | 9 bases |
Overhang Sequence | CCCGCCCCA |
GC Content | 68.7% |
Fasta file available? | Yes: Download fasta file |
Characterization | |
Cluster | EE |
Subcluster | -- |
Cluster Life Cycle | Lytic |
Other Cluster Members |
Click to ViewAlucard Anseraureola Aries55 Astro16 Avvas Azizam Aztec Baine BarBear Belthelas BinkBonk Bintii Biscayne Bodhi17 BonaeVitae BoomRoasted Bradley2 Bri160 BrokMonster Bullzi2019 Burgy BurtonThePup Cayde6 Cazares Charbie Chatham Cheesecake Ciel Clownery Concrete DaftyDuck Danimal Danno DirtPie Dongwon Dooby Douggie EdElric Efeko Eightball Ekko14 ELee24 Elspeth Erin Gabbspett Gardevoir Gillker Godfather GoldenBlanche Goobery HarperAnne HeadMave Hernandez44 Horacetta Hulk IzzyPants24 Jahseh JaimeB Jannah Jella Jerky JoBros JooneeDee Josuke JRok Kaijohn KayPaulus Kevanna KillerTomato Kojax4 KyriosFaba LaviMo Leafy LemonPepper LionelHutz Livingwater Loca Lola20 Lunatic Luxx Madebyisha Majesty ManAs Maneater MasterPitts McShie MelBee03 Miaurora Minima MirimarMandM MrGreen Myram Naby Namsahir NeumannU Niffler Nobel Noelani Oaklynn Octopus Otwor Owens PaoPu Picnic Pondwater PoRanda Publix Puddles3 PuffyCat Quaker Rhogar Rhysand RoscoWindex Sage7 SantasSleigh Sara Scamander Scrunchy SeaWolves Sippinontea Slentz Slizam Snuffles Stem TeddyBoy TimoTea TinyTruffula TomBrady12 Trackstar Trireme Upsilon Vanisius VitulaEligans Witch Wolfpack Yami Yasuo YertPhresh Yubaba Zahlia |
Annotating Institution | University of Massachusetts Amherst |
Annotation Status | In GenBank |
Plaque Notes | As the name suggested, it has a halo around the plaque, which is further emphasized when it is neighboring with other plaques almost as if they like being grouped together. Other than that, they also have a clear center with rough edges, consistent with 2-4 cm in length. |
Morphotype | Siphoviridae |
Number of Genes | 25 |
Number of tRNAs | 0 |
Number of tmRNAs | 0 |
Has been Phamerated? | Yes |
Gene List |
Click to ViewAnseraureola_1 Anseraureola_2 Anseraureola_3 Anseraureola_4 Anseraureola_5 Anseraureola_6 Anseraureola_7 Anseraureola_8 Anseraureola_9 Anseraureola_10 Anseraureola_11 Anseraureola_12 Anseraureola_13 Anseraureola_14 Anseraureola_15 Anseraureola_16 Anseraureola_17 Anseraureola_18 Anseraureola_19 Anseraureola_20 Anseraureola_21 Anseraureola_22 Anseraureola_23 Anseraureola_24 Anseraureola_25 |
Submitted Annotation in DNA Master Format | Download |
Submitted Minimal DNA Master File | Download |
Author List | Download |
Annotation Cover Sheet | Download |
Publication Info | |
Uploaded to GenBank? | Yes |
GenBank Accession | ON108642 |
Refseq Number | None yet |
Archiving Info | |
Archiving status | Archived |
Pitt Freezer Box# | 124 |
Pitt Freezer Box Grid# | A8 |
Available Files | |
Plaque Picture | Download |
EM Picture | Download |
GenBank File for Phamerator | Download |