Detailed Information for Phage Subaru | |
Discovery Information | |
Isolation Host | Arthrobacter globiformis NRRL B-2880 |
Found By | Alex Thallathukunnel |
Year Found | 2024 |
Location Found | Queens, NY United States |
Finding Institution | SUNY Old Westbury |
Program | Science Education Alliance-Phage Hunters Advancing Genomics and Evolutionary Science |
From enriched soil sample? | Yes |
Isolation Temperature | 30°C |
GPS Coordinates | 40.71227 N, 73.79907 W Map |
Discovery Notes | Dirt sample was taken from Captain Tilly Park Playground in Jamaica Queens near a freshwater pond. Taken while it was raining so the soil was very wet. It was 12.7 degrees Celsius. |
Naming Notes | Japanese automotive company, famous for its history in Rally car racing, winning the world constructors title in WRC (World Rally Championship) 3 times. |
Sequencing Information | |
Sequencing Complete? | Yes |
Date Sequencing Completed | Jan 27, 2025 |
Sequencing Facility | Pittsburgh Bacteriophage Institute |
Shotgun Sequencing Method | Illumina |
Approximate Shotgun Coverage | 3473 |
Genome length (bp) | 43471 |
Character of genome ends | 3' Sticky Overhang |
Overhang Length | 11 bases |
Overhang Sequence | CGAAGGGGCAT |
GC Content | 66.6% |
Fasta file available? | Yes: Download fasta file |
Characterization | |
Cluster | AZ |
Subcluster | -- |
Cluster Life Cycle | Temperate |
Other Cluster Members |
Click to ViewAinMach (None) Exile (None) Soondubu (None) Subaru (None) Adolin (AZ1) Adumb2043 (AZ1) AEgle (AZ1) AGrandiflora (AZ1) Amyev (AZ1) Asa16 (AZ1) Ascela (AZ1) Berrie (AZ1) Cassia (AZ1) Community (AZ1) Crewmate (AZ1) Cyan (AZ1) DrManhattan (AZ1) DrSierra (AZ1) Elezi (AZ1) Eraser (AZ1) Iter (AZ1) IttyBittyPiggy (AZ1) Janeemi (AZ1) Joemato (AZ1) JohnDoe (AZ1) Jstan (AZ1) JuneStar (AZ1) Kaylissa (AZ1) KeAlii (AZ1) Lego (AZ1) Lizalica (AZ1) London (AZ1) MissSwiss (AZ1) Mudpuppy (AZ1) Niobe (AZ1) Nitro (AZ1) ObiToo (AZ1) Phives (AZ1) Pixelle (AZ1) Powerpuff (AZ1) Pumpkins (AZ1) Reedo (AZ1) Shaffner (AZ1) Simpson (AZ1) Sue2 (AZ1) Tallboi (AZ1) Tbone (AZ1) TforTroy (AZ1) Tian (AZ1) Tuck (AZ1) Turab (AZ1) Tutumahutu (AZ1) VResidence (AZ1) Warda (AZ1) Wildwest (AZ1) Yang (AZ1) YesChef (AZ1) Liebe (AZ2) MaGuCo (AZ2) Maureen (AZ2) Snek (AZ3) Tweety19 (AZ3) Emotion (AZ4) JasmineDragon (AZ4) LadyAstra (AZ4) MiniMommy (AZ4) ShakeItOph (AZ4) VroomVroom (AZ4) Ashes (AZ5) Cappuccino (AZ5) Donkey (AZ5) Gambol (AZ5) Halsey (AZ5) Kalimba (AZ5) Moss (AZ5) Mysterium (AZ5) Sooty (AZ5) SpecialK (AZ5) |
Annotating Institution | SUNY Old Westbury |
Annotation Status | Being Annotated (Expected completion by 5/1/2025) |
Plaque Notes | Plaque assay resulted in 2 plaque morphologies. Subaru was derived from the morphology with the smaller halo. non-circular plaques, which were not clear with defined halo edges. Temperate phage. Plaques with an average diameter of 3.6 mm and a standard deviation of 1.1401. |
Morphotype | Siphoviridae |
Has been Phamerated? | No |
Publication Info | |
Uploaded to GenBank? | No |
GenBank Accession | None yet |
Refseq Number | None yet |
Archiving Info | |
Archiving status | Not in Pitt Archives |
SEA Lysate Titer | 9.8 x10^12 PFU/mL |
Available Files | |
Plaque Picture | Download |