Streptomyces phage Superstar
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Detailed Information for Phage Superstar
Discovery Information
Isolation HostStreptomyces avermitilis NRRL 8165
Found ByEmily Wood
Year Found2023
Location FoundOttawa, Canada
Finding InstitutionUniversity of Ottawa
ProgramScience Education Alliance-Phage Hunters Advancing Genomics and Evolutionary Science
From enriched soil sample?No
Isolation Temperature20°C
GPS Coordinates45.38023 N, 75.6774 W Map
Discovery NotesSuperstar was discovered in soil underneath a fruit tree in the Heron Park Community Orchard in Ottawa, ON, Canada. Sample was collected from 1cm below the surface and was dry/ sandy, packed hard and cold.

Genomic DNA was sequenced on a ONT Minion, R10.4.1 chemistry. The sequence assembled into one contig of 38,425bp with 97% query cover, 94.80% identity to Spernnie (BD2). The sequence was assembled into a second shorter contig of 2,607bp with 99% query cover, 97.09% identity to Spernnie (BD2).
Naming NotesThis phage is named after the Taylor Swift song Superstar!
Sequencing Information
Sequencing Complete?Yes
Date Sequencing CompletedJan 8, 2024
Sequencing FacilityPittsburgh Bacteriophage Institute
Shotgun Sequencing MethodIllumina
Approximate Shotgun Coverage628
Genome length (bp)50411
Character of genome ends3' Sticky Overhang
Overhang Length11 bases
Overhang SequenceCGCCACGTCTT
GC Content65.8%
Fasta file available?Yes: Download fasta file
Cluster Life CycleTemperate
Other Cluster Members

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Aaronocolus (BD1)

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Bovely (BD1)

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Celeste (BD1)

Chucky (BD1)

Danzina (BD1)

Dattran (BD1)

Dwayne (BD1)

Eddasa (BD1)

Ejemplo (BD1)

Emaanora (BD1)

EnochSoames (BD1)

Esperer (BD1)

Goby (BD1)

Godpower (BD1)

Hippo (BD1)

Hydra (BD1)

Indigo (BD1)

Izzy (BD1)

Jash (BD1)

Katalie (BD1)

Lannister (BD1)

Legacy (BD1)

Leviticus (BD1)

Lika (BD1)

Lorelei (BD1)

Maneekul (BD1)

Nabi (BD1)

Nanodon (BD1)

Nerdos (BD1)

Oliynyk (BD1)

Ozzie (BD1)

OzzyJ (BD1)

Phettuccine (BD1)

Rana (BD1)

RedBear (BD1)

Rusticus (BD1)

SarahRose (BD1)

Snorlax (BD1)

South40 (BD1)

Sujidade (BD1)

SunsetPointe (BD1)

TagePhighter (BD1)

Toma (BD1)

Triste (BD1)

TuanPN (BD1)

Unstoppable (BD1)

Werner (BD1)

Whatever (BD1)

Yasdnil (BD1)

Zemlya (BD1)

Alvy (BD2)

Amethyst (BD2)

Andris (BD2)

Animus (BD2)

Axiom (BD2)

BartholomewSD (BD2)

Bowden (BD2)

Caelum (BD2)

Daudau (BD2)

Diane (BD2)

ELB20 (BD2)

GirlDinner (BD2)

Haizum (BD2)

Hank144 (BD2)

Issmi (BD2)

Janus (BD2)

Jevington (BD2)

Loofah (BD2)

Marav (BD2)

Nishikigoi (BD2)

Omar (BD2)

Pablito (BD2)

Paedore (BD2)

Paolo (BD2)

Puginator (BD2)

R4 (BD2)

SqueakyClean (BD2)

Superstar (BD2)

Tefunt (BD2)

Thestral (BD2)

TinaBelcher (BD2)

Triumph (BD2)

TrvxScott (BD2)

Zainub (BD2)

Alsaber (BD3)

Amela (BD3)

Celery (BD3)

Conan (BD3)

Dexers (BD3)

ElGato (BD3)

Kaine (BD3)

Pavo (BD3)

phiCAM (BD3)

Provolone (BD3)

Saftant (BD3)

Speedwell (BD3)

Vanseggelen (BD3)

Verabelle (BD3)

Verse (BD3)

Yosif (BD3)

BroPlease (BD4)

GreenWeasel (BD4)

phiHau3 (BD4)

StrepC (BD5)

Celia (BD6)

Itza (BD6)

Urza (BD6)

VieEnRose (BD6)

Annotating InstitutionUniversity of Ottawa
Annotation StatusOverdue (Expected completion by 8/31/2024)
Plaque NotesSuperstars' plaques vary slightly in medium sizes. They are not perfectly circular, have bumpy edges. Plaques are fairly clear, some early isolations exhibit the bacterial lawn growing back in the plaque from the edges, producing a turbid halo effect.
Number of Genes87
Number of tRNAs0
Number of tmRNAs0
Has been Phamerated?Yes
Gene List
Publication Info
Uploaded to GenBank?No
GenBank AccessionNone yet
Refseq NumberNone yet
Archiving Info
Archiving status Archived
Pitt Freezer Box# 176
Pitt Freezer Box Grid# H6
Available Files
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