Detailed Information for Phage Simpliphy | |
Discovery Information | |
Isolation Host | Mycobacterium smegmatis mc²155 |
Found By | Gretchen Walch |
Year Found | 2012 |
Location Found | Alexandria, KY USA |
Finding Institution | Western Kentucky University |
Program | Science Education Alliance-Phage Hunters Advancing Genomics and Evolutionary Science |
From enriched soil sample? | Yes |
Isolation Temperature | Not entered |
GPS Coordinates | 38.93909 N, 84.37412 W Map |
Discovery Notes | Soil was captured on the edge of a creek, 50 cm (about)from the closest water edge; water was moving but congested at the nearest point to the water. The air temperature at the time was about 26.1 degrees Celsius. The area surrounding the sample location was muddy and interspersed with grass, plat roots, and an earth worm was captured, but releases upon collecting the sample. It was within 30 cm of larger creek vegetation/weeds and flowers. The location was approximately 115.7 cm under a wood bridge thus receiving shade throughout the day at differing times and intensity. The closest tree was within approximately 4-5 meters of the location. The man made things in the area included a bed of concrete within 115.5 cm the nearest road was approximately 16 meters away. The location was aptly located in a sort of valley with hills facing East and West with the creek itself running South to North. It is known to have frequent flooding reaching 2-3 meters of the creek edge (thus the soil sample location is within the flood zone). Finally, it is known that the creek could have septic run-off from the surrounding houses running along the road. The creek itself stems from a pond 1.5 miles South of the sample location and runs from the pond North (1.5 miles) to the sample capture location. The creek is exposed to the run-off of 5 West facing houses (2 of which are on the hill of the valley) and 6 East facing houses all of which are on the East facing hill. (houses are within 400 yards and are in rural spacing.) |
Naming Notes | The name of Simpliphy came from the idea that phages are in essence simple as in small and not complex in structure. However, despite this they have many possible applications that can be very helpful. For example, wound healing. |
Sequencing Information | |
Sequencing Complete? | Yes |
Date Sequencing Completed | May 23, 2013 |
Sequencing Facility | Virginia Commonwealth University Nucleic Acids Research Facilities |
Shotgun Sequencing Method | 454 |
Approximate Shotgun Coverage | 112 |
Genome length (bp) | 75366 |
Character of genome ends | 3' Sticky Overhang |
Overhang Length | 9 bases |
Overhang Sequence | CGCTTGTCA |
GC Content | 63.0% |
Fasta file available? | Yes: Download fasta file |
Characterization | |
Cluster | E |
Subcluster | -- |
Cluster Life Cycle | Temperate |
Other Cluster Members |
Click to View244 ABCat Adnama Amao AmericanBeauty Argent26 Asriel BaboJay BadStone Balomoji Barbarian Bask21 Becksu Bench BigBubba BilboSwaggins Bruin Buck BugsBunny Cactus ChosenOne ChotaBhai Cjw1 Command613 Contagion Cookies CrystalP Czyszczon1 Daikon DoctorDiddles DrDrey Dumbo Dusk Easy2Say Elite2014 Elph10 Emmina Eureka FairyPath Filch FireRed Flypotenuse FoghornLeghorn Gage Gator Gemini Glexan Goku GoldenSpark Goldilocks GooberAzure HanKaySha Harella Henry Highbury Holt Hoonter Hopey HufflyPuff Icee IHOP Inca JeTaime Kanye Kimchi Kostya Lilac Lilizi Lilpickle MadamMonkfish Manda Marshmallow Maxxinista Mindy Miniwave Misfit MISSy Moldemort Mosby MPhalcon Murica Murphy Myrale Nala NelitzaMV Nimrod NoSleep OrionPax Palpatine Paperbeatsrock Pat3 Petra64142 Phaja Pharsalus PhatBacter Phaux Phrux Policronamos Porky Pumpkin Quallification Rakim Rimmer RiverMonster Saints25 Sassay ShamWow ShereKhan Simpliphy SirDuracell SophKB Sotrice96 Stank Stark StellaBean StolenFromERC StormChicken Tarkin TBrady12 TeardropMSU Teaspoon Terminus Thimble Thresher Tomaszewski Toto Traaww1 Tuco Ukulele Wiggin Willez Xandras xkcd YassJohnny Youngblood |
Annotating Institution | Western Kentucky University |
Annotation Status | In GenBank |
Morphotype | Siphoviridae |
Number of Genes | 145 |
Number of tRNAs | 2 |
Number of tmRNAs | 0 |
Has been Phamerated? | No |
Submitted Annotation in DNA Master Format | Download |
Submitted Minimal DNA Master File | Download |
Author List | Download |
Annotation Cover Sheet | Download |
Publication Info | |
Uploaded to GenBank? | Yes |
GenBank Accession | MH536827 |
Refseq Number | None yet |
Published in Paper | Pope, Bowman, Russell, et al 2015, eLIFE: Whole genome comparison of a large collection of mycobacteriophages reveals a continuum of phage genetic diversity |
Archiving Info | |
Archiving status | Archived |
Pitt Freezer Box# | 43 |
Pitt Freezer Box Grid# | 16 |
Available Files | |
EM Picture | Download |
GenBank File for Phamerator | Download |