Discovery Information |
Isolation Host | Mycobacterium smegmatis mc²155 |
Found By | Hannah Elizabeth Miller |
Year Found | 2015 |
Location Found | Bowling Green, KY USA |
Finding Institution | Western Kentucky University |
Program | Science Education Alliance-Phage Hunters Advancing Genomics and Evolutionary Science |
From enriched soil sample? | Yes |
Isolation Temperature | 30°C |
GPS Coordinates | 36.986283 N, 86.456568 W Map |
Discovery Notes | Soil sample collected from Western Kentucky University's campus on September 1, 2015. This area contained moist soil, and very little decay. Smokers often smoke in this area, and it is a heavily traveled.
This phage has clear plaque mutant tendencies. The beginning plaques differ greatly in size from the plaques towards the end of my discovery. |
Naming Notes | This phage has some clear plaque mutant tendencies; therefore, originally earning the name "Mutant." Since the term mutant has a specific scientific meaning and would be confusing when discussing the phage "Mutant," I chose to name my phage Mutante, which is mutant in Spanish. |
Sequencing Information |
Sequencing Complete? | Yes |
Date Sequencing Completed | Feb 4, 2016 |
Sequencing Facility | Pittsburgh Bacteriophage Institute |
Shotgun Sequencing Method | Illumina |
Approximate Shotgun Coverage | 2177 |
Genome length (bp) | 68494 |
Character of genome ends | Circularly Permuted |
GC Content | 66.5% |
Fasta file available? | Yes: Download fasta file |
Characterization |
Cluster | B |
Subcluster | B1 |
Cluster Life Cycle | Lytic |
Lysogeny Notes | Never had turbid plaques. |
Other Cluster Members |
Annotating Institution | Western Kentucky University |
Annotation Status | In GenBank |
Plaque Notes | Beginning plaques: large clear plaques, organically shaped, very lytic Plaques during the middle of the process: very small, lytic organically shaped, tend to grow in a swirl pattern despite not being meant to grow that way |
Morphotype | Siphoviridae |
Number of Genes | 103 |
Number of tRNAs | 0 |
Number of tmRNAs | 0 |
Has been Phamerated? | Yes |
Gene List |
Submitted Annotation in DNA Master Format | Download |
Submitted Minimal DNA Master File | Download |
Author List | Download |
Annotation Cover Sheet | Download |
Publication Info |
Uploaded to GenBank? | Yes |
GenBank Accession | MH399780 |
Refseq Number | None yet |
Archiving Info |
Archiving status |
Archived |
SEA Designator |
2015WEKUMutanteHEM |
SEA Lysate Titer |
1.6x10^10 |
Date of SEA Lysate Titering |
Oct 20, 2015 |
Pitt Freezer Box# |
27 |
Pitt Freezer Box Grid# |
F5 |
Available Files |
Plaque Picture | Download |
Restriction Digest Picture | Download |
EM Picture | Download |
GenBank File for Phamerator | Download |