Mycobacterium phage Roscoe
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Detailed Information for Phage Roscoe
Discovery Information
Isolation HostMycobacterium smegmatis mc²155
Found ByJacob Bordeaux
Year Found2013
Location FoundHolland, MI USA
Finding InstitutionHope College
ProgramScience Education Alliance-Phage Hunters Advancing Genomics and Evolutionary Science
From enriched soil sample?Yes
Isolation TemperatureNot entered
GPS Coordinates42.786246 N, 86.101972 W Map
Discovery NotesSoil sample was taken from moist soil approximately 3 cm deep. The sample was taken from a landscaping area next to a sidewalk and building.
Naming NotesRoscoe is one of my dog's name
Sequencing Information
Sequencing Complete?Yes
Date Sequencing CompletedJan 23, 2014
Sequencing FacilityPittsburgh Bacteriophage Institute
Shotgun Sequencing MethodIon Torrent Sequencing
Approximate Shotgun Coverage318
Sanger Finishing Reactions11
Genome length (bp)68603
Character of genome endsCircularly Permuted
GC Content66.5%
Fasta file available?Yes: Download fasta file
Cluster Life CycleLytic
Other Cluster Members

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PhrodoBaggins (B1)

Phunky (B1)

Piglet (B1)

PinheadLarry (B1)

Pinkman (B1)

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Placalicious (B1)

Plmatters (B1)

Podrick (B1)

Pops (B1)

Potter (B1)

Prickles (B1)

ProfessorX (B1)

Puhltonio (B1)

QueenBeane (B1)

Quisquiliae (B1)

RedMaple (B1)

Ricotta (B1)

Riggan (B1)

Rimu (B1)

Robyn (B1)

Roliet (B1)

Roscoe (B1)

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SassyCat97 (B1)

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Slatt (B1)

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Spartan300 (B1)

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Struggle (B1)

Suffolk (B1)

Surely (B1)

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TallGrassMM (B1)

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ThreeOh3D2 (B1)

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Timmi (B1)

TomBombadil (B1)

Tomlarah (B1)

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Tooj (B1)

True (B1)

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TyrionL (B1)

UAch1 (B1)

UncleHowie (B1)

Usavi (B1)

Vaishali24 (B1)

Valjean (B1)

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Wallhey (B1)

Waterdiva (B1)

Weher20 (B1)

Windsor (B1)

Xavier (B1)

Yoshand (B1)

YouGoGlencoco (B1)

Zaider (B1)

Zelda (B1)

Zonia (B1)

Imvubu (B10)

Indlovu (B11)

LilMcDreamy (B12)

BirdsNest (B13)

Hashim76 (B13)

Zenteno07 (B13)

Allegro (B2)

Arbiter (B2)

Ares (B2)

Bananafish (B2)

Blocker23 (B2)

Boyle (B2)

Brownie5 (B2)

Calamitous (B2)

Coffee (B2)

Eaglehorse (B2)

Faze9 (B2)

FrenchFry (B2)

Glass (B2)

Godines (B2)

Hedgerow (B2)

Holeinone (B2)

ItsyBitsy1 (B2)

Kaleb (B2)

Kheth (B2)

Lars (B2)

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Lephleur (B2)

LizLemon (B2)

MasterPo (B2)

Opia (B2)

Phantasmagoria (B2)

Qyrzula (B2)

Rhinoforte (B2)

Rosebush (B2)

Sabella (B2)

TA17A (B2)

Tinciduntsolum (B2)

Tres (B2)

West99 (B2)

Abinghost (B3)

Akoma (B3)

Athena (B3)

Audrey (B3)

Baloo (B3)

Ben11 (B3)

Bernardo (B3)

Briakila (B3)

Casbah (B3)

ChaChing (B3)

Chandler (B3)

Compostia (B3)

Corofin (B3)

Daisy (B3)

Deenasa (B3)

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Gadjet (B3)

Gervas (B3)

GlenHope (B3)

Halfpint (B3)

HarveySr (B3)

Heathcliff (B3)

Jackstina (B3)

Kamiyu (B3)

Kronus (B3)

LestyG (B3)

Marley1013 (B3)

MmasiCarm (B3)

Mortcellus (B3)

Morty007 (B3)

Neos5 (B3)

Nozo (B3)

Obutu (B3)

OrangeOswald (B3)

Phaedrus (B3)

Phayeta (B3)

Philly (B3)

Phlyer (B3)

Pipefish (B3)

RagingRooster (B3)

Rita1961 (B3)

RomaT (B3)

SlippinJimmy (B3)

SynergyX (B3)

Tydolla (B3)

Yahalom (B3)

Yinz (B3)

Ahwei (B4)

AlanGrant (B4)

Antihero (B4)

Apex (B4)

Austelle (B4)

BobbyK (B4)

BrownCNA (B4)

ChrisnMich (B4)

Cooper (B4)

Epah (B4)

Fortunato (B4)

Frederick (B4)

Hally898 (B4)

Hangman (B4)

Heath (B4)

Hydro (B4)

JaguarMi (B4)

JAMaL (B4)

Lambano (B4)

Lolalove (B4)

Magpie (B4)

Mithril (B4)

Mudslide (B4)

Nanao (B4)

Nigel (B4)

Poster (B4)

Prince (B4)

RawrgerThat (B4)

Stinger (B4)

Vincenzo (B4)

VioletZ (B4)

Waleliano (B4)

Xincheng (B4)

Zemanar (B4)

Acadian (B5)

Baee (B5)

DigitDog (B5)

Donny (B5)

EastView9101 (B5)

KarasumaRum (B5)

Mysterious (B5)

Nangang (B5)

Nehemiah (B5)

Phelemich (B5)

Reprobate (B5)

Rich (B5)

Serendipitous (B5)

Shenyu (B5)

SirJeffery (B5)

StinkyVeggy (B5)

Suigeneris (B5)

39HC (B6)

40BC (B6)

Hosp (B6)

Jolie1 (B6)

KayaCho (B6)

Saguaro (B7)

Thonko (B8)

CRB2 (B9)

Funsized (B9)

Knocker (B9)

PenguinLover67 (B9)

Quesadilla (B9)

Rinkes (B9)

Annotating InstitutionUniversity of Pittsburgh
Annotation StatusIn GenBank
Plaque NotesThe plaque size varies between 2mm-4mm. All plaques have clear area of lysis and most show an asymmetrical ring of turbidity around the outside of the clear portion. Roscoe grows at 30, 37, and 42 degrees Celsius. At 37, the average plaque size is 1-2mm larger than when grown at 30 but the turbid ring is the same size. At 42, the average plaque size increases by another 1-2mm from 37, and the turbid ring becomes much larger. When tested at 30 degrees with varying concentrations of CaCl2 in top augur and bacterial cells, no change in growth was noticed. At high enough concentrations, Roscoe shows a density dependent effect observed as a multitude of pinprick sized plaques covering the plate with a number of larger plaques throughout.
Has been Phamerated?Yes
Gene List
Submitted Minimal DNA Master FileDownload
Publication Info
Uploaded to GenBank?Yes
GenBank AccessionMK279877
Refseq NumberNone yet
Published in PaperPope, Bowman, Russell, et al 2015, eLIFE: Whole genome comparison of a large collection of mycobacteriophages reveals a continuum of phage genetic diversity
Archiving Info
Archiving status Archived
SEA Lysate Titer 9.9x10^10
Pitt Freezer Box# 5
Pitt Freezer Box Grid# B9
Available Files
Plaque PictureDownload
Restriction Digest PictureDownload
Final DNAMaster FileDownload
GenBank File for PhameratorDownload