Mycobacterium phage Jabiru
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Detailed Information for Phage Jabiru
Discovery Information
Isolation HostMycobacterium smegmatis mc²155
Found ByJoe Skibbens
Year Found2014
Location FoundPalo Verde, Costa Rica
Finding InstitutionLehigh University
ProgramScience Education Alliance-Phage Hunters Advancing Genomics and Evolutionary Science
From enriched soil sample?Unknown
Isolation TemperatureNot entered
GPS Coordinates10.4 N, 85.32 W Map
Discovery NotesThis sample was taken from a vast wetlands environment. The soil had been recently exposed by the water receding and was loamy and moist. The wetland was brimming with flora and fauna, probably an indicator of rich soil.
Naming NotesNamed after the Jabiru stork, indigenous to the area in which this phage was found. The Jabiru is one of the largest birds in Central and South America.
Sequencing Information
Sequencing Complete?Yes
Date Sequencing CompletedJul 10, 2014
Sequencing FacilityPittsburgh Bacteriophage Institute
Shotgun Sequencing MethodIon Torrent Sequencing
Approximate Shotgun Coverage2707
Genome length (bp)50530
Character of genome ends3' Sticky Overhang
Overhang Length10 bases
Overhang SequenceCGGGAGGTAA
GC Content60.0%
Fasta file available?Yes: Download fasta file
Cluster Life CycleTemperate
Other Cluster Members

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HuhtaEnerson15 (A5)

Jabiru (A5)

Jovo (A5)

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HINdeR (A7)

Sheen (A7)

Timshel (A7)

Astro (A8)

Danforth (A8)

Dixon (A8)

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Groundhog (A8)

NearlyHeadless (A8)

Phillis (A8)

Roary (A8)

Saintus (A8)

Smeadley (A8)

Stephig9 (A8)

Aliter (A9)

Alma (A9)

Arissanae (A9)

Beemo (A9)

BogosyJay (A9)

Catalina (A9)

Charm (A9)

Conquerage (A9)

Darrell (A9)

DreamTeam1 (A9)

EdogawaKiddo (A9)

Eidsmoe (A9)

Elephantoon (A9)

EmyBug (A9)

ExplosioNervosa (A9)

Fayely (A9)

Hanray (A9)

Holex (A9)

HortumSL17 (A9)

Jiawan (A9)

Keziacharles14 (A9)

Lilleskat (A9)

LoneWolf (A9)

Maminiaina (A9)

Myxus (A9)

Onglai (A9)

PackMan (A9)

Phaeder (A9)

Phonnegut (A9)

Pioneer (A9)

Priya (A9)

Qobbit (A9)

Rahalelujah (A9)

RyeScarlet (A9)

Sachima (A9)

Scherzo (A9)

SheaKeira (A9)

Spouty (A9)

Toaka (A9)

Tubs (A9)

Ugenie5 (A9)

Vanisoa (A9)

Yecey3 (A9)

Annotating InstitutionLehigh University
Annotation StatusIn GenBank
Plaque NotesJabiru creates plaques about 2mm in diameter after 24 hours (closer to 4mm after 48 hours). The plaques are turbid with a bulls-eye clearing in the center (about 1mm in diameter). Typically as the plaque expands the turbid ring grows outward while the clear center remains the same size.

It should be noted that certain factors (potentially the thickness of its host's bacterial lawn) can cause it to form clear plaques of the same size.
Has been Phamerated?Yes
Gene List
Submitted Annotation in DNA Master FormatDownload
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Publication Info
Uploaded to GenBank?Yes
GenBank AccessionMH051254
Refseq NumberNone yet
Archiving Info
Archiving status Archived
SEA Lysate Titer 1.11x10^11
Date of SEA Lysate Titering Mar 11, 2014
Pitt Freezer Box# 7
Pitt Freezer Box Grid# A7
Available Files
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EM PictureDownload
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