Mycobacterium phage Norz
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Detailed Information for Phage Norz
Discovery Information
Isolation HostMycobacterium smegmatis mc²155
Found ByNorman Zvenyika
Year Found2021
Location FoundBethlehem, PA United States
Finding InstitutionLehigh University
ProgramScience Education Alliance-Phage Hunters Advancing Genomics and Evolutionary Science
From enriched soil sample?Yes
Isolation TemperatureNot entered
GPS Coordinates40.615587 N, 75.378837 W Map
Discovery NotesThe phage was discovered from a soil sample collected on the right abutment of Fahy Bridge in Bethlehem, PA. The temperature was -0.56°C. The soil sample was wet, sandy, and obtained approximately 4cm below the ground.
Naming NotesNorman named his phage after his name (first three letters) and last name (first letter).
Sequencing Information
Sequencing Complete?Yes
Date Sequencing CompletedDec 13, 2021
Sequencing FacilityPittsburgh Bacteriophage Institute
Shotgun Sequencing MethodIllumina Sequencing
Approximate Shotgun Coverage34
Sanger Finishing Reactions4
Genome length (bp)53857
Character of genome ends3' Sticky Overhang
Overhang Length10 bases
Overhang SequenceCGGATGGTAA
GC Content63.6%
Sequencing NotesThis sample was sequenced as part of a DOGEMS pool of samples.

In addition, the sequencing data indicated a SNP in the sequenced population. At position 27444, ~39% of the reads had a G instead of the called T.
Fasta file available?Yes: Download fasta file
Cluster Life CycleTemperate
Other Cluster Members

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WunderPhul (A6)

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Zaka (A6)

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DroogsArmy (A7)

HINdeR (A7)

Sheen (A7)

Timshel (A7)

Astro (A8)

Danforth (A8)

Dixon (A8)

Expelliarmus (A8)

Groundhog (A8)

NearlyHeadless (A8)

Phillis (A8)

Roary (A8)

Saintus (A8)

Smeadley (A8)

Stephig9 (A8)

Aliter (A9)

Alma (A9)

Arissanae (A9)

Beemo (A9)

BogosyJay (A9)

Catalina (A9)

Charm (A9)

Conquerage (A9)

Darrell (A9)

DreamTeam1 (A9)

EdogawaKiddo (A9)

Eidsmoe (A9)

Elephantoon (A9)

EmyBug (A9)

ExplosioNervosa (A9)

Fayely (A9)

Hanray (A9)

Holex (A9)

HortumSL17 (A9)

Jiawan (A9)

Keziacharles14 (A9)

Lilleskat (A9)

LoneWolf (A9)

Maminiaina (A9)

Myxus (A9)

Onglai (A9)

PackMan (A9)

Phaeder (A9)

Phonnegut (A9)

Pioneer (A9)

Priya (A9)

Qobbit (A9)

Rahalelujah (A9)

RyeScarlet (A9)

Sachima (A9)

Scherzo (A9)

SheaKeira (A9)

Spouty (A9)

Toaka (A9)

Tubs (A9)

Ugenie5 (A9)

Vanisoa (A9)

Yecey3 (A9)

Annotating InstitutionLehigh University
Annotation StatusIn GenBank
Plaque NotesAfter 48 hours, both large and small plaques were present in the plates. The large plaques were turbid, irregularly shaped, with a diameter of 2 mm. The small plaques were turbid, regularly/ circular, with a diameter of 1 mm. After five consecutive plaques assays, both large and small plaques were present. Therefore, a parallel plaque assay using a small plaque (1mm in diameter) and a large plaque (2 mm in diameter) was done. The null hypothesis of the parallel plaque assay was that if a small/large plaque is used and large/small plaques only are present in respective plates, then two different phages were present. The alternative hypothesis of the parallel plaque assay was that if a small/large plaque is used and a mixture of large and small plaques are present in respective plates, then the plaques were from a clonal phage population. The results of parallel plaque assay were both large and small plaques, which confirmed the presence of a clonal phage population.

The EM image had a bacteriophage with a long and flexible tail. Therefore, it is a siphoviridae. It has an icosahedral head. Its head to tail ratio is 1:2.7
Has been Phamerated?Yes
Gene List
Submitted Minimal DNA Master FileDownload
Publication Info
Uploaded to GenBank?Yes
GenBank AccessionON970624
Refseq NumberNone yet
Archiving Info
Archiving status Archived
SEA Lysate Titer 1.0 x10^9 pfu/ml
Pitt Freezer Box# 143
Pitt Freezer Box Grid# A6
Available Files
Plaque PictureDownload
Restriction Digest PictureDownload
EM PictureDownload
GenBank File for PhameratorDownload