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Mycobacterium phage Kugel
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Detailed Information for Phage Kugel
Discovery Information
Isolation HostMycobacterium smegmatis mc²155
Found ByDan Russell
Year Found2008
Location FoundBrooklyn, NY USA
Finding InstitutionUniversity of Pittsburgh
ProgramPhage Hunters Integrating Research and Education
From enriched soil sample?No
Isolation TemperatureNot entered
GPS Coordinates40.682697 N, 73.981174 W Map
Discovery NotesKugel was discovered in the backyard of a Brooklyn brownstone, where three chickens lived. The soil sample was taken from a location where the chickens had recently been digging.
Naming NotesThis phage was named by the residents of the brownstone where it was found. In addition to being a traditional Jewish noodle dish, Kugel is the name of their dog as well.
Sequencing Information
Sequencing Complete?Yes
Date Sequencing CompletedApr 11, 2012
Sequencing FacilityPittsburgh Bacteriophage Institute
Genome length (bp)52379
Character of genome ends3' Sticky Overhang
Overhang Length10 bases
Overhang SequenceCGGATGGTAA
GC Content63.8%
Fasta file available?Yes: Download fasta file
Cluster Life CycleTemperate
Lysogeny NotesPresumably, given its integrase, repressor, and membership in Cluster A1, Kugel will make lysogens. No Kugel lysogens have been isolated yet.
Other Cluster Members

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Dreamboat (A1)

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Edtherson (A1)

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Francis47 (A1)

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GageAP (A1)

Gandalf20 (A1)

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Gompeii16 (A1)

Graduation (A1)

GrecoEtereo (A1)

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Hami1 (A1)

HanShotFirst (A1)

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Homines (A1)

Hope4ever (A1)

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ILeeKay (A1)

Inyanga (A1)

JackSparrow (A1)

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JC27 (A1)

Jerm2 (A1)

Jorgensen (A1)

JuliaChild (A1)

Kanely (A1)

KBG (A1)

Kenmech (A1)

Killigrew (A1)


Kugel (A1)

Kykar (A1)

KyMonks1A (A1)

Lamina13 (A1)

Lesedi (A1)

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MPlant7149 (A1)

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Petp2012 (A1)

Petruchio (A1)

PherrisBueller (A1)

PhrostyMug (A1)

PinkPlastic (A1)

Pinto (A1)

Pippin (A1)

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PSullivan (A1)

QTRlifeCrisis (A1)

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STLscum (A1)

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Sumter (A1)

Sunshine924 (A1)

SwissCheese (A1)

Switzer (A1)

Swole (A1)

Target (A1)

Tasp14 (A1)

Teodoridan (A1)

TheloniousMonk (A1)

Thor (A1)

Topgun (A1)

Tote (A1)

Traft412 (A1)

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Tripl3t (A1)

Trouble (A1)

Turj99 (A1)

TwoPeat (A1)

U2 (A1)

Violet (A1)

Watermelon (A1)

Wheeler (A1)

Wilkins (A1)

Zeeculate (A1)

Zephyr (A1)

Zeuska (A1)

Chupacabra (A10)

DontArgue (A10)

Drake94 (A10)

DustyMartin (A10)

Eaglepride (A10)

Edison31 (A10)

Goose (A10)

KittenMittens (A10)

Kristoff (A10)

OKCentral2016 (A10)

PeaceMeal1 (A10)

Poompha (A10)

Rebeuca (A10)

RhynO (A10)

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Severus (A10)

Shapes (A10)

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Bud (A11)

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Epsocamisio (A15)

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AugsMagnumOpus (A3)

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Grum1 (A3)

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HaveUMetTed (A3)

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Heliosoles (A3)

Hercules11 (A3)

Hookmount (A3)

Idleandcovert (A3)

Isca (A3)

JenCasNa (A3)

JeppNRM (A3)

JF2 (A3)

JF4 (A3)

JHC117 (A3)

Jobu08 (A3)

Kachowdy (A3)


Kalb97 (A3)

Kalnoky (A3)

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LBerry (A3)

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LugYA (A3)

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P28Green (A3)

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PGHhamlin (A3)

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PhishRPhriends (A3)

Phoebe (A3)

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Phranny (A3)

Pistachio (A3)

Pocahontas (A3)

Popcicle (A3)

PotatoSplit (A3)

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QuinnKiro (A3)

Reba (A3)

ResDef (A3)

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Sabia (A3)

Sabinator (A3)

SaturnRing (A3)

Scout (A3)

Snickers (A3)

SoilDragon (A3)

Soshari (A3)

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Spike509 (A3)

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StepMih (A3)

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Connomayer (A4)

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Houdini22 (A4)

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Iracema64 (A4)

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JetBlade (A4)

JoongJeon (A4)

Kampy (A4)

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LittleGuy (A4)

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Lunsford (A4)

Maverick (A4)

Maxo (A4)

Mazhar510 (A4)

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MeeZee (A4)

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Millski (A4)

Miramae (A4)

Morpher26 (A4)

Morrow (A4)

Mundrea (A4)

Nebs (A4)

Nemo27 (A4)

Noelle (A4)

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NotAPhaseMom (A4)

Nyxis (A4)

Obama12 (A4)

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OKaNui (A4)

Palestino (A4)

Peaches (A4)

Perplexer (A4)

PeterPeter (A4)

PetiteSangsue (A4)

Phacado (A4)

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Sabertooth (A4)

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SheldonCooper (A4)

Shygu2 (A4)

Skipitt (A4)

Sparxx (A4)

Spino (A4)

Stasia (A4)

Stink (A4)

Taquarus (A4)

Thanksgivukkah (A4)

TinaFeyge (A4)

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TiroTheta9 (A4)

TroyPia (A4)

TygerBlood (A4)

Ulysses (A4)

Wander (A4)

Wilbur (A4)

Wile (A4)

Wizard007 (A4)

Xena (A4)

YoSam321 (A4)

AgentM (A5)

Airmid (A5)

Aragog (A5)

Archetta (A5)

Benedict (A5)

Bluefalcon (A5)

Bonamassa (A5)

Chadwick (A5)

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Dublin (A5)

ElTiger69 (A5)

ForGetIt (A5)

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Ghoulboy (A5)

HuhtaEnerson15 (A5)

Jabiru (A5)

Jovo (A5)

Lev2 (A5)

LittleCherry (A5)

MarysWell (A5)

Micasa (A5)

Midas2 (A5)

Milcery (A5)

Naca (A5)

PetterN (A5)

Phlorence (A5)

PickleBack (A5)

Scorpia (A5)

Swirley (A5)

SydNat (A5)

Tarynearal (A5)

Theia (A5)

Tiger (A5)

Twigg (A5)

UnionJack (A5)

Zolita (A5)

Artemis2UCLA (A6)

BABullseye (A6)

BlessJoy (A6)

Blinn1 (A6)

Blue7 (A6)

Candra (A6)

Chartreuse (A6)

CloudWang3 (A6)

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DaVinci (A6)

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EricB (A6)

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Gladiator (A6)

GreedyLawyer (A6)

Gruunaga (A6)

Hammer (A6)

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Hexamo (A6)

Hoot (A6)

Indra (A6)

Isiphiwo (A6)

Jeffabunny (A6)

JewelBug (A6)

Jordennis (A6)

Kazan (A6)

Kipper29 (A6)

Koko (A6)

Lilbunny (A6)

McFly (A6)

Neeharika16 (A6)

Newrala (A6)

Pmask (A6)

Priamo (A6)

Rifter (A6)

Roksolana (A6)

SmellyB (A6)

SuperAwesome (A6)

SuperCallie99 (A6)

Temprado (A6)

ToneTone (A6)

Tucker (A6)

VohminGhazi (A6)

Wiks (A6)

WunderPhul (A6)

Yokurt (A6)

Zaka (A6)

Zulu (A6)

DroogsArmy (A7)

FlyCatcher (A7)

HINdeR (A7)

Sheen (A7)

Timshel (A7)

Toro (A7)

Astro (A8)

Danforth (A8)

Dixon (A8)

Expelliarmus (A8)

Groundhog (A8)

NearlyHeadless (A8)

Phillis (A8)

Roary (A8)

Saintus (A8)

Smeadley (A8)

Stephig9 (A8)

Aliter (A9)

Alma (A9)

Arissanae (A9)

Beemo (A9)

BogosyJay (A9)

Catalina (A9)

Charm (A9)

Conquerage (A9)

Darrell (A9)

DreamTeam1 (A9)

EdogawaKiddo (A9)

Eidsmoe (A9)

Elephantoon (A9)

EmyBug (A9)

ExplosioNervosa (A9)

Fayely (A9)

Hanray (A9)

Holex (A9)

HortumSL17 (A9)

Jiawan (A9)

Keziacharles14 (A9)

Lilleskat (A9)

LoneWolf (A9)

Maminiaina (A9)

Myxus (A9)

Onglai (A9)

PackMan (A9)

Phaeder (A9)

Phonnegut (A9)

Pioneer (A9)

Priya (A9)

Qobbit (A9)

Rahalelujah (A9)

RyeScarlet (A9)

Sachima (A9)

Scherzo (A9)

SheaKeira (A9)

Spouty (A9)

Toaka (A9)

Tubs (A9)

Ugenie5 (A9)

Vanisoa (A9)

Yecey3 (A9)

Annotating InstitutionUnknown or unassigned
Annotation StatusIn GenBank
Plaque NotesUnder standard conditions, Kugel makes turbid plaques that are about 3-5 mm in diameter.
Number of Genes95
Number of tRNAs0
Number of tmRNAs0
Has been Phamerated?Yes
Gene List
Publication Info
Uploaded to GenBank?Yes
GenBank AccessionJN699016
Refseq NumberNC_023702
Published in PaperPope, Bowman, Russell, et al 2015, eLIFE: Whole genome comparison of a large collection of mycobacteriophages reveals a continuum of phage genetic diversity
Archiving Info
Archiving status Archived
Pitt Freezer Box# 2
Pitt Freezer Box Grid# B12
Available Files
Plaque PictureDownload
Virtual Digest PictureDownload
EM PictureDownload
Final DNAMaster FileDownload